Young & Oceans

by @brisk

Liner Notes

This one I don't mind, but it is very much one to keep the numbers up.

This is a lot less of an interesting song than Planet Telex (one of my favourite Radiohead songs, and probably my favourite EVER album opener? Maybe), but I think it is a vague cousin of that in my mind. I can't really explain why, maybe it's just the big drums. It certainly doesn't have that psychedelic.. transcendence thing going on. The words are... words. There's also a bit where I try to ape Andy Cairns from Therapy?'s creepy growl. It is very teenage.

I started it last night. It started with the descending twangy bit, then I did the lower riff, then I did the random chorus, then today I've just been trying to make it more interesting, but it is still rather by the numbers.

And I got to do my first 3:30 song as well!



Your lyrics are so intriguing, I'd love to be able to read them as you sing.
I beg to differ the trancedance Is there! It does have some Radiohead touches but it’s brisk in his chugging mode! Nice descending riff!
Words are...words. That is a hilarious statement. Good stuff here. It has a big feel to it. I like the guitar intro bit leading into the massive bass and drums. I'm glad it wasn't and shorter, or longer. 3:30 is perfect! Enjoyed it twice, if that's any indication.
Very nice. A more unsettling vibe than your usual, though in contrast to those below, you nearly lost me at Radiohead; can't abide them. Apart a couple of songs on maybe the computer album. Probably one of the singles as I've never knowingly listened to a whole album. It's more of a personal animus than a musical one, though I'm not keen on that either. Perhaps a minority view, but I'm sticking with it for now. I liked your song though.
Love that bass! It's a great song, has just the perfect vibe to it!
You had me at Radiohead and Therapy?!

I really like the ‘whispering in your ears’ bit a lot. The way it changes and then pops back to the verse.
Definitely screaming the 90’s. Very well done!
I think, as usual, you are downplaying a very good song in your liner notes. From one self-deprecator to another. The descending riff is properly ear catching and does have that Bends guitar tone (although it’s been a while so don’t quote me on that). Drums are magnificently huge. Props to the stomping bass line. And the creepy semi-spoken stuff. Catchy chorus work, has a very 90s vibe, sigh… those were the days.
this seems grittier than your usually smooth songs, but i like the way it moves with those big drums and guitars churning away,