Open a Book

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: The 32nd Page (@gruvmachine)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I saw the prompt just after meeting my friend in a coffee shop. I was still seeping my coffee and I had no book at hand, so thought I'd use the prompt in a general was I.e. open a book. No piano or keyboard at hand and no music for this as there is some music constantly playing on the background. If you are interested in collaborating on this one, I'd be delighted.

#skirmish #book #life #collaborationswelcome


Open a Book
© 2025 Nadia Cripps

Open a book, look through its pages
What catches your imagination?
You will see so many stages
In just one creation

Love At First Sight
Happy, sometimes gloomy sad
Someone turned right
But the decision was bad

Still, 20 glorious years and one mistake
Which led to loosing the connection
Standing alone near the dark grey lake
Life is far from perfection

Where is the love which was so strong?
It vanished into an empty space
Where is the one, the only one for so long?
Nobody can ever take his (her) place

Take the book you feel is telling your story
Hopefully it might help you
If not, I'm sorry.


Great lyrics. I love the opening verse, its so to the point and still sometimes we forget about the power of a book. I hope someone puts it to music.
Wow, this is a really poignant and powerful lyric with vivid images and a strong ending. It is a really wonderfully crafted lyric that I hope will get some music!
Interesting take on the prompt, since you had no book. Sometimes we want to stay on a page; other times it's best to turn the page. your first verse is a very strong set-up
Nice take on the prompt, especially without a book to hand! Some really good lines in there, "Life is far from perfection" sticks out for me. Good skirmishing!
"20 glorious years and one mistake" is a heck of a line - great lyrics!