The Efficacy of a Toaster Oven on Various Breadlike Foodstuffs

by @tcelliott · @carleybaer

The Efficacy of a Toaster Oven on Various Breadlike Foodstuffs
tcelliott +1

Liner Notes

#slackchat #slackconversation #slack #guywithukulele

TC: There was a brief discussion about the heating up of specialty bread in a toaster oven and I, being a good student of Carley and her bad song club, went with it. Also, I asked a question about the smile/denial rhyme and was told, more or less, it's fine to use it and, in fact, maybe I should use it the rest of Fawm! We'll see, I guess.
A specialty thanks to @carleybaer and @charliecheney for the conversation and inspiration.


There's some specialty bread in the toaster
Been a minute so it's getting closer
But we're worried it's gonna be dry

I'm beginning to smell a slight odor
That's what I get for being sober
That's a fact that I cannot deny

We don't have a toaster, only a toaster oven
That heats up specialty bread like witches in a coven
Who cast a delicious spell

A toasted cupcake would be a disaster
And not the result we are after
Unless you have a frosting trap
(A Venus frosting trap, perhaps?)

We don't have a toaster, only a toaster oven
That heats up specialty bread like witches in a coven
Who cast a delicious spell

And if it turns out right
I will wear a smile
But if it burns then I'll be
A hungry man in denial

We don't have a toaster, only a toaster oven
That heats up specialty bread like witches in a coven
(And we like witches)
Who cast a delicious spell


You have a uke! Awesome. I guess the specialty bread will be dry if it's in a toaster oven. And witches are awesome. We need them to survive now.

Very jaunty tune, and well done.
I listened to this while driving yesterday and forgot to comment! The title reads like an academic paper, the song is catchy as hell (I’ve already sung it to my toaster oven). And we like witches! This ticks all the boxes of slack silliness once again, bravo 🧁
Like witches in a coven. Love it. Specialty bread with eye of newt. Who doesn’t like that?
Lots of fun here. I love the spoken bit (“a venus frost trap, perhaps”), which really reminds me of Barenaled Ladies. And you’ve really made your uke sound like a banjo!
Wait, is that a banjo?
Instant pop tart songs straight out of the slack chat, lol. ❤️😍🎂🍞🧹☕