Lost Dreams - Part IV

by @candle


Liner Notes

#一sýƶýģý一 #ambient #nietzsche #philosophy #theantichrist #nihilism #übermensche #archive一dot一org #vocalsamples #hgfortune #loopcloud #wde #minimalism #jeskolabuzz #jeskola


I've been puttering away at this bit of a massive track for about a week now. I'm not 100% satisfied with it, maybe because I don't often do #minimalism because I'm always wanting to add "more stuff" to the soundscapes I create. This time, I reigned in that urge & kept things relatively simple. Sound sources for this one consist of HG Fortune's Avatar ST, as well as a sample from Loopcloud. The vocal is taken from the audiobook reading of Freidrich Nietzsche's The Antichrist, available on archive.org. It's played back via WDE's Audio Block (Native Buzz Machine).

I have decided to release this in four parts, as well as the complete 12+ minute track at the end for all to enjoy in whatever way they prefer. This is Part IV.

Nietzsche. Probably the most misunderstood, misinterpreted, & misrepresented Philosopher in History. His ideas were twisted by the Nazis (which he would have been angry about, as he was completely against Antisemitism - something that was the origin of his beef with Wagner) thanks, in part, to the ideas of his sister. But when you actually dig deep into what he says on a fundamental level, he not only makes one think, but urges all of Humanity to be better. In the words of his infamous character Zarathustra: "Mankind is something to be overcome!" I don't think there are many other thinkers who have looked at our modern world & given us a more hopeful path to finding our purpose & happiness in this life.

Tho, I don't agree with him 100%, he has had a massive influence on my own philosophy.

See You In The Shadows…

Jeskola Buzz Build 1503


The Antichrist - Section 13

Let us not under-estimate this fact: that we ourselves, we free spirits, are already a “transvaluation of all values,” a visualized declaration of war and victory against all the old concepts of “true” and “not true.” The most valuable intuitions are the last to be attained; the most valuable of all are those which determine methods. All the methods, all the principles of the scientific spirit of today, were the targets for thousands of years of the most profound contempt; if a man inclined to them he was excluded from the society of “decent” people—he passed as “an enemy of God,” as a scoffer at the truth, as one “possessed.” As a man of science, he belonged to the Chandala… We have had the whole pathetic stupidity of mankind against us—their every notion of what the truth ought to be, of what the service of the truth ought to be—their every “thou shalt” was launched against us. . . . Our objectives, our methods, our quiet, cautious, distrustful manner—all appeared to them as absolutely discreditable and contemptible.—Looking back, one may almost ask one’s self with reason if it was not actually an aesthetic sense that kept men blind so long: what they demanded of the truth was picturesque effectiveness, and of the learned a strong appeal to their senses. It was our modesty that stood out longest against their taste. . . . How well they guessed that, these turkey-cocks of God!



This has a building tension to it, like the message gets more biting as the music intensifies.
I would like to understand the inversion of sections. This has more rhythm to it.
Overall I think this is an incredibly deep, both in ideas and music, epic. It feels like a debate, the music has its own opinion and mind