Blue Roses

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Title prompt: "The Intern... (@carleybaer)

Liner Notes

Thank you for the interesting prompt. I thought of composing music about blue roses. What can blue roses "say" in their monologue? The blue roses can represent sadness and longing. When we lose our dear ones, we often keep hoping for the impossible... The true love lives forever, the loss is deep and the blue roses are "singing" their sad song feeling our nostalgia, spiritually connecting with us. In their quiet monologue we can feel the fragility of life, the beauty which only lasts for a certain time but it lives a feel of something special we witness. We listen to blue roses and they listen to us in their unique flower way.

Image by Alexa from Pixabay:

'Blue Roses' © 2025 Nadia Cripps. Music, Keyboard and Demo by Nadia Cripps.

Thank you for listening and for sharing your thoughts. Please let me know if you would like to collaborate with me.

#skirmish #instrumental #blue #roses #collaborationswelcome


Haunting and wistful. And definitely with a space vibe. Love it.
Kind of reminds me of Star Trek for some reason. Blue roses from space!

This is very evocative and intriguing.
I love the vibes here. The two instrument sounds go really well together, and I love the harmonic minor in the melody. It sounds like the blue roses are imparting ancient wisdom of some kind. Really soothing, slightly mysterious, overall very well done. Thanks for being a part of my skirmish Nadia! :)
This piece has a haunting beauty and evokes some of the sadness and longing you describe.
The flute melody fels somehow appropriate for the flower you speak of.
Different but so interesting and pulled me right in!
I found the melodic line interesting and somewhat unconventional in this piece; yet beautiful. Like a blue rose!
Lovely composition! I liked how it kind of trailed off towards the end. Nice work! I've never seen a blue rose before!