
by @citizin


Liner Notes

#mathrock #oddtimesignature #pitchshift

The chorus riff for this came out while I was warming up to record the last one. I've experimented a bunch with writing entire math rock songs with a pitch shift effect and I like the vibe. It makes the tone shine and glow, and creates weird detuned glitch effects which give it sort of a lofi feel at times.

This also incorporates a tempo change trick that I use which I call the relative triplet tempo. A beat that is a triplet in the original tempo will be a regular beat in the relative triplet tempo. So the triplet 8th notes in the chorus at 120BPM are the same speed as the regular 8th notes in the 180BPM verse that comes right after it. This keeps a consistent feel between the drastic tempo change and the switch from triple to duple is mathy. Of course, I randomly threw a 150BPM section in the middle of that as well.

The outro felt like it was building up to something but alas it's FAWM and I'm falling behind, so it must end there for now.


Oooo the intro has some pork soda era primus tones…that’s a favorite of mine too, you draw on every aspect of heavy music that I like and disregard everything I don’t…how you do that? I wanna jam with you…I don’t know if my guitaring would keep up but sometime we should give it a go if you’re down. HMU!
This is so amazing to listen to. Even more so, reading your liner notes, and seeing how it was done. Quite mesmerizing, enjoyed it much, thank you!
Really enjoy hearing you play guitar. Love the tones and outstanding precision. Good stuff!
The pitch shift gives it a feel for me of "What would happen if the smooth jazz guys took the drugs the freak jazz guys were taking?"
Sounds soooo good. Love the complexity, the rhythms, how it progresses. Definitely scratched my itch for progressive/fusion type. That half time break around 2:30 was nasty!
Awesome!! I love the control on all the sections, riffs, drums. The outro was a great idea to chill things down. Did you record guitar all the way thru and then drums after? Were you using tapping techniques? It reminded me a.smidge of Fripp and progressive fusion but this is your own thang. Add vocals next time? Bravo!