Seventeen Songs

by @brisk

Liner Notes

Here's a wonky valentines day song, two days late. I realise that I keep sounding like I'm out on a ledge with my recent songs, when in actual fact I'm pleased with them all in a way, I'm just desperate for other people to like them so I end up being defensively self-depricating. One of my many weird foibles. This song however I unashamedly love, because I think it captures the feeling I was going for, however inarticulately.

One problem I had with this was what to call it. It isn't at all obvious to me that Seventeen Songs IS the title. Is there are more obvious one? It started of being called "Sixty-Nines" which is probably better. If that's the case, do let me know and I'll change it. Or maybe there's another line that would make a better title. (Not "slake the flake" though.)

Sorry I'm not commenting or listening to anyone at the moment, I'm just a bit wrung out on anything social, I'm just ploughing my lonely furough! I'm pathetically grateful for anyone who is finding time to listen though, it really helps.

#valentines #lust #pop #momentary-elder-glitch


I love you sixty nine
It happens all the time
In this street
I love it when we wake
Wake and bake and ice the cake

Anytime seems too long
Seventeen seconds
Seventeen songs
Anytime seems too long
Seems to long

I want you Ninety Nine
You want it
when you're by the seaside
Drowning in your wake
Take a break and slake the flake

Anytime seems too long
Seventeen seconds
Seventeen songs
Anytime seems too long
Seems too long

[Elder-glitch interlude]

When I'm sixty nine
I hope that I'll still
chime that doorbell
Promises won't bind
But try to keep them in your mind

Anytime seems too long
Seventeen seconds
Seventeen songs
Anytime seems to long
Seems too long


No expectations no disappointmen! Actually that’s a good title! That’s a mighty synth holding the bit! Another good song
Those liner notes are classic. Pure Yeslessness. There's a lot to like here. Not gonna comment on the title but those descending Anytimes are superb. You are so good at keeping your songs interesting and captivating, at least for me. The doubled vocals are also primo. Dig this...and you, weird foibles and all.
Just checking... you know the connotations of the number '69', right? I mean, there's the film Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, and then there's, well, some other stuff that maybe precludes it from being the title... Anyway, sweeping that swiftly aside, this is very very lovely. The chorus melody is particularly winning, just so singable and joyful and fun. I feel like there are band references to be made, but you probably have a better handle on those than me. Wondering what that filtered wah-like sound is, it's really cool. Nice crunchy guitar chug. 'Take a break and slake the flake' is a superb little run. And love the playful breaks and that acapella ending. Really enjoyed this one (on my second listen now...).
Such blissful poppiness. That chorus is absolutely delicious! (Which is not to slight the rest of this delightfully tuneful track in the least!)