The dark stone's secret

by @timfatchen Mod

Liner Notes

First of three improvisations today. Sometimes things just happen. This is a one-take one-shot unprepared piano piece with the tip of my right-hand middle finger bandaged (!) I haven't edited anything out other than a false start. Nor done any jiggery-pokery. Apart from the kindness of Gary Garritan and Steinway for passing such a lovely piano patch across, and the magic of MIDI, this is MusicOfHumans, right? Right!
Music Copyright © 2025 TJ Fatchen All Rights Reserved APRA-AMCOS
Steinway sample courtesy Garritan Personal Orchestra
#neoclassical #improvisation #piano


Wow. This wasn't even a journey, it was a succession of journeys. Tolkien would be proud.
I'm reading The Left Hand of Darkness and am in a chapter where the two main characters are trudging across basically a gigantic glacier over dozens and dozens of days. I could totally see this as background music to that scene if the book were ever turned into a movie. Really nice, Tim!
This is so calm and lovely. It took me on a 4 and a half minute journey to unseen places of wonder. Good one!