Parquet Flooring

by @johnnycashpoint

Liner Notes

#mainlyinstrumental #signsoflife2 #scuzzy #electropop

Signs of Life 2, day 11
Photo taken near Kennington Tube Station, London.

Drum sample taken from The Young Knives' 'No Sound'

You know how some songs just will not work? I had a lyric, which I did vocal 5-6 takes every day since Friday, never getting it anywhere near being acceptably in tune. Couldn't figure out why, so went the route of making it instrumental (cos I really like the scuzzy track), Was just mixing it when I realised I hadn't noticed one of the keyboard tracks was using a new synth VST which automatically de-tuned its part. So took it out and rush did the chorus vocal again! Don't worry it's not MUCH better anyway and the lyric was strongly unpleasant so if I come back to this, I will likely re-write it. Also I over compressed the drum sample.


Please do not discuss parquet flooring
It will give my brain a proper mauling

(F.A.S.T.) x 4

Please do not discuss parquet flooring
Put my head under blank tarpaulin
Please do not discuss parquet flooring
Makes me feel just like my life is falling down


I'm liking the "spy movie" vibe here.
But I *like* parquet flooring.
Until those little rectangles start popping out.
That percussion is savage.
Yeah, I liked this a lot.