
by @alyak72

Skirmish: Murder Ballad (@roblyon5150)

Liner Notes

Came to this late and had to have a conversation midway through, but here it is! I usually do music stuff first and then add lyrics, but I did it opposite this time.

Guitar is bad, but oh well.

#skirmish #murderballad


Thought the light would turn off
When my light ceased to be
Thought it would be nothing
No darkness or light
Or great gates of white

But here I am
I'm still me

I hover above
But that's not quite right
I'm everywhere, no need to hover
with this new type of sight

I'm still here
I see through you
I see/raise your fear

You stole my body
My future
My life
But still, it's not quite right
Because I'm still here

I can feel your panic
And I stoke it
And you become manic
And I stoke it
For eons or seconds
It doesn't matter anymore

When you killed me
You killed time
You killed space
You killed potential
I'll haunt you til you die
Which won't be long now

And after you die
Your soul is mine
You stole from in this life
And that's the price you pay
For eternity


I love everything about this, the idea/s your voice, your style and especially the lines
"I'll haunt you til you die
Which won't be long now"
Yes! So good!
So much enjoyed, have got brave enough to wonder if you might consider making music for one of my lyrics which could possibly suit - have emailed you :)
Wonderfully strange and thought provoking song.
Clever use of the prompt! I personally like the recording. Thank you so much for participating.
Ooh I haven't had a first person narrative from a dead person in my life since the opening shots of "Sunset Boulevard". In the Spanish translation of which the poor translator didn't have the script and had to pick out what was said. This led to a brilliant mishearing: The dead body in the pool has a voice over narrator which states: "My death will come as a shock to the Hollywood Columnists..." Our poor translator must have been unaware of this synonym for journalists and the subtitle read, in Spanish; "My death was a shock for the Hollywood Communists" - that changed the entire premise of the film 😉
Nice! A first person murder body is such a cool and creepy idea. And the haunting music made it even creepier.
Cool vibe. Very personal. Neat point of view! I like the angry ghost perspective.
This is really haunting and impactful given the unique perspective in the lyric and your amazing musical delivery. Brilliant take on the prompt!
Impressive work in SST (Skirmish Standard Time). You've become a ghost...what a great take on the prompt!