We Gather

by @ayais

Liner Notes

Basque is a great language and culture. I wrote these simple lyrics in English, translated them, then passed them on to some real, live Basque speakers to make them better.

There is a deep Basque tradition of improvised live singing called Bertsolaritza that is considered a sport. Kinda like rapping. Competitions go back centuries. Any topic is ok. This topic is togetherness, but it could just as easily be politics.



we gather
life swirls
we are a flock of birds

elkartzen gara
bizitzaren zurrunbiloak
txori-andana gara

a rising world
we stand tall
looking in each others eyes

mundua gorantz bat
zutik gaude
elkarri begietara begira

clouds have gone
brittle branches
no longer hang above

hodeiak joan dira
adar hauskorrak
jada ez da goian zintzilik

our hands are a cup
the water is pure
the sky is blue

gure eskuak kopa bat dira
ura garbia da
zerua urdina da


This is wonderful, Dan! The melody sounds ageless and you sing it so well, that guitar part is lovely too. What a gem. I'm going to listen again now 😊
That's such an amazing picture; so much going on there.
I always like your singing voice.
This song is so gentle and friendly.
Lovely guitar trills here.
I enjoyed this very much.
oh this is good!' sounds so folk culture! great idea well delivered! cool.guitar as well. inspired I reckon.
This is sweet!
It‘s sounds so uplifting and light! Love your whistleing!
How did you got the idea of singing in basque? It don‘t seem easy!

I enjoyed this very much!
Really interesting! I had never heard of bertsolaritza
I enjoyed your song! simple, warm, cheerful! :)