Untying Knots

by @guatecoop

Untying Knots

Liner Notes

#electronic #KO-33 #needsvocals #samples
Ha, well this is pretty different for me. I started out messing around with my Pocket Operator KO-33, which is pretty cool, and got to where I liked the different patterns that I had created, even though it was basically like untying knots because I don’t use sequencers or samplers often—since last fawm. I sampled a chord on the piano, some various noises, finger snaps, and a ride cymbal. So, from there I really didn't know what I was going to do. I really wanted to post this tonight, so I put on some bass and I used my Korg MicroKorg for the keys--since I hadn't used that yet. I REALLY wanted to do some vocorder, but I just need to get to bed. Anyway, it is set up pretty well for vocals, so let me know if this will work for you. I can add whatever you think is missing--or you could....
Untying knots is what I do on a daily basis—mostly figuratively. Some people were filming for some promotional thing this morning at work and I was outside welcoming kids in. Of course, someone needed to have their shoes unknotted and tied in super freezing and snowy weather, but that is just what I do. Mostly, I untie the knots of the emotional and experiential, but in this case I was actually untying knots, which I am pretty good at. So, it would look like I set up that situation for the cameras, but I don't set anything up for any cameras. It just is what it is.
I used my Pocket Operator KO-33, Tiesco bass, and a MicroKorg. I hope that you like it.


Not yet.....You can, just let me know first. Thanks!


I love the MicroKorg. It's got some really cool on board bass patches. POs are fun. I never got one though ( I'm all software) but they can do some really awesome things. This sounds really cool. It's a good mix of what you do with things you don't normally do.
the bass is so full and strong it can support anything you throw at it. it is also very melodic and i imagine the vocal melody would either jump off it or work in counterpoint, i see you already have a couple of takers, so i look forward to hearing what their words and vocal melodies add to it.
digging the massiveattacky ambience of this - the edgy synths, wide-open harmony and of course - the bass! it inspired some words I’ll send you later today…
well.you got me, I love untying knots. might just be my super power! cool sounds and that back beat keeps rolling along!
This beat is so cool, everything sounds crispy and nice…. That bass is such a nice standout really good job on this !