Shadow Work Days

by @hmstreetteam · @pianoquest

Skirmish: my days with ___ (@fairplay)
Shadow Work Days
hmstreetteam +1

Liner Notes

Rick: I was going for a style along the lines of Psychedelic Furs. For the first time ever I posted with placeholder singing for the verses. @pianoquest offered the lyrics that you see below, and after my voice is better, I plan to fit the lyrics together with the melody and post a new, longer demo, adding the third verse at 2:48 before the final chorus.


At first you might light a match or two
You take a timid peek
Hope nothing really awful’s gonna jump
And make you shriek
You see, that wasn’t so bad.
Maybe you’re up to the task
You come back with a lantern
And a hazmat suit and gloves and mask.

It’s time to show how strong you are
And not be caught off guard
No one can see you’re scared
But add one R, because you’re scarred
You’ve been through all the hazings
You’ll survive this one as well
But then you get the plot twist
As you wade waist deep in what-the-hell

A lightning bolt epiphany
Is the next bolt to arrive
You’re playing Luke and Yoda
Like in Star Wars Chapter Five
These enemies you face
Are from your action figure shelf
But when you pull the mask off
No one’s there because it’s just yourself


Cool groove and great sound. You’ve got a great melody going!
Hey, I have an idea for lyrics. I'll run it past you by DM outside of FAWM.
Really nice melody and chords. I can imagine an electric guitar solo in there somewhere.
Quality songwriting! I like this quite a bit. 😀

Definitely got some good bones to it.
I like the chords. The title is cool too. I like how you phrase the title (hook). I can imagine verse lyrics talking about how the singer's mind is distracted by something WAY bigger than work. It could be anything. So that when he's at work his mind is elsewhere. Nice job! Cheers, Smudge
...great idea to 'sketch' out a future song with vocal placeholders and the lyrics that have been ignited by the challenge - well done...
