Bottom of the Trunk
by @berni1954
Liner Notes
This song was written for the "Guilt" Prompt on this week's "Seasons of the Ukulele" (no longer on Ukulele Underground). It features a Guitalele and backing by Band in a Box.
It outlines an incident in my youth of which I am far from proud and relates the guilt I felt about it all then and later.
#FUC #Guitalele
(Gm) Linda was a fellow (F) student
All re(Gm)ligious and na(F)ïve
Ann, her (Gm) sister found home o(F)ppressive
And (Bb) longed for a chance to (C) leave
Their (Eb) father was a Tory (Bb) bigot
With i(Eb)deas from before the (Bb) war
After a (Eb) row with him one (Bb) evening
Ann (F) turned up outside my (Bb) door
She (Gm) begged me to let her (F) stay
Said she'd (Gm) nowhere else to (F) go
I (Gm) sensed this could lead to (F) trouble
But I (Bb) chose to go with the (C) flow
A (Eb) bottle of cheap red wine (Bb) later
I re(Eb)minded her:"There's just one (Bb) bed!"
She'd been (Eb) coming on to me all (Bb) evening
"I (F) know" was all she (Bb) said
She's (Eb) probably for(Bb)gotten me,
But (Eb) I'm still plagued by (Bb) guilt
When(Eb)ever her image (Bb) surfaces
It's (F) covered in rotting silt
A (Eb) painful re(Bb)minder
Of how (Eb) low I once had (Bb) sunk
In my (Cm) treasure chest of memories
I keep her (F) hidden in the bottom of the (Bb) trunk
(F) Hidden in the bottom of the (Gm) trunk
(Gm) She told me she was (F) desperate
To (Gm) lose her virgini(F)ty
Well, (Gm) I was young and (F) willing
To (Bb) let that task fall to (C) me
(Eb) Bodies clasped to (Bb) bodies
Me re(Eb)gretting what we had (Bb) drunk
But the (Eb) thing that put me (Bb) off the most
Was (F) just how much she (Bb) stunk
(Gm) I should have told her the (F) truth
And (Gm) asked her to take a (F) bath
But in(Gm)stead I broke off be(F)fore we'd joined
Not (Bb) thinking of the after(C)math
"You (Eb) can't stop now!" she (Bb) pleaded
"I (Eb) need you!" she im(Bb)plored
But I (Eb) claimed the moral (Bb) high ground
And said: (F) "I'll sleep on the (Bb) floor!"
I (Gm) lay in my sleeping bag (F) listening
To Ann (Gm) whimper through her (F) tears
I (Gm) guessed I'd wrecked her self-as(F)surance
Done (Bb) damage that might last for (C) years
Her (Eb) look of shock and res(Bb)entment
I (Eb) knew I would never for(Bb)get
(Eb) Not being truthful with (Bb) her that night
Has (F) been a life-long re(Bb)gret
Very entertaining song.
Your guilt just makes you a good person. I love the unexpected direction it took and that it wasn't a song about regretting taking someone's virginity. Highly entertaining.