Dragon Slayer Chant
Skirmish: Mythology (@atornberg) Challenge: PALINDROMEFAWM takes no responsibility for the content of this link:
Liner Notes
When I hear "epic" I think of something with a million verses. But I didn't have time to write all that, so you get this instead. #beepbox #medieval #callandresponse
PSA: It is indeed supposed to be longer than 79 seconds and not cut off in the middle, but apparently I can't export the correct version right now. It is basically a loop, though, so all the elements are pretty much already there.
I also made use of BOTH of the dice-rolling challenges in the forums. #writebydice #rollwithit
As I do not condone the wanton slaying of mythological creatures, the "dragon" is in this case a metaphor.
Hear ye gathered here today:
There is a dragon we must slay!
So the dragon don't kill you,
This is what you have to do:
Kill the dragon
Kill the dragon
Kill the dragon
Kill the dragon
10/10 would recommend to a friend.
Seriously, this is a fun tune. I'm not sure if the dissonance comes from the notes chosen, or the synths chosen... Possibly both?
I like it. 😄