Backyard Zipline (Meaghan) [Best Friends #1]

by @loveonamixtape

Backyard Zipline (Meaghan) [Best Friends #1]

Liner Notes

Meaghan is the first best friend I remember, and -- guess what? -- she had a zipline in her backyard! And most of my memories of our friendship are of her cool house and the cool zipline and playground stuff she had in her backyard.

I wasn't expecting to start this project off on such a moody-ass note? For a song about playground equipment? But here we are! "Backyard zipline" is one of those phrases that started to take on a life of its own the more I said it/sang it, like a spell, and took on almost a kind of sinister quality, which I'm not mad at.

I'm pretty happy with this mix? You know, by the standards of my own skillset. BUT full disclosure on two points:
I had the guitar part and the drums pretty fully rendered in my head...only to realize my guitar riff was pretty much ripping off the verse of "Everlong" and the drums I had in my head were pretty much the drums from "Maps" by the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs. So, rather than learn anything more about programming drums, I just found an isolated track of the "Maps" drums and spliced it up... 😬 I figure cheating like that is okay for the purposes of FAWM in a kind of "you get the idea" sort of way. Or call it "sampling." WHATEVER.

#fuzz #indierock #shoegaze #loud


Meaghan’s got a great big backyard
Meaghan’s got Legos and Hot Wheel Cars

Where did my youth go?
I must have lost it
Playing Sardines, crammed 2x2 in the back of your closet

But the best time
Was your backyard zipline

Baby can I ride
Your backyard zipline?.
Do you mind, do you mind, do you mind?
This is childhood with a capital C
Just my best friend, Meaghan, and me
On her backyard zipline

Meaghan’s got a big brother
I’ve got a big brother, too
And we have got each other
That’s enough for me
Why can’t it be enough for you?

Baby can I ride
Your backyard zipline?
Do you mind, do you mind, do you mind?
This should be the formative moment I learn
How to take turns
That love is something you’ve gotta earn
But I wanna be the only one
Who rides your backyard zipline

Oooh, if only I had
A backyard jungle of my own
Would it be as good a time
As coming over
To your home?
I don’t know, I don’t know
All I know

Is all I wanna do is ride
(Your backyard zipline)
All the time, all the time, all the time
(Your backyard zipline)


Why can't you be the only one....well, that's what songs are for, to lament and move on. Love the sound of the guitar on this, great rhythm. Very original subject matter, makes it special, really enjoyed it!!
Well DAMN who doesn’t want to be best friends with this chick?! Sounds like she had it all going on! Love the low backing vox and especially love the rawkkk chorus!
I was wondering why I recognised the drums immediately, then I read

it really doesn't matter, everyone steals all the time and very often much more blatantly than this. It's a totally different song than either of the ones you mentioned, and it's super cool too. I really like the guitar work, but the standout is your vocals - they sound so good! like a lost 90s grunge noise group with a killer singer. when you go high and loud it's *chef's kiss*
Wow! That is cool. Feels like a trip back in time. Love the grunge-pop feel, the melody lines are very effective, and those feedback tones are awesome. I like the lyrics.
I listened to this and thought I commented but apparently not! Really like the vibe of this, that guitar tone is really nice and the Maps beat works really well. Love how intense the chorus gets, those big feedbacky guitars. The key change toward the end is ace too!
Holy sh1t this transported me right back to high school in different ways. Very cool track, I'm excited to hear more from this project!
ANOTHER CONCEPT ALBUM?!? I loved the first one so much, this is gonna be another great insight into you and your process.

Already love the sound here. Very grunge-y and alt, reflective of the time you had these experiences I assume?

I'm anticipating heartache and triumphs within this project! Good luck and I'll be listening every step of the way!
Oh, well could have stacked anymore vibes on this one.

I’m back in a late nineties indie nightclub here.

I feel there are some traces of riot girl in this.

A very strong start to this year for you!
I know you're probably enjoying all these other comments but wait! They don't love you like I love you! 😀

Not sure I would have picked up on the borrowed drums if you hadn't mentioned it, the riff definitely sounds like Everlong to begin with but the song immediately becomes your own and it's a great start - evocative lyrics, compelling delivery, gnarly grunge energy. Great to hear you back and immediately at the top of your game!
My cousin also had a zip line in her backyard (which was more like a forest) - and I can attest that it was very cool!! Great lyric - very much like how you infer about some of the difficulties of growing up and how your childhood can set your path - but lett the listener add all their own experiences by hinting at it with only a few linesZ Love how full the production is in the chorus - the guitars sound awesome and i like how your voice sits in the mix
A zip line in the backyard isn’t half as cool as this song. I loooove the moodiness. I remember you from last year… nice start to this year! Your stuff rocks.
A zipline in the backyard? How cool is that! As Everlong was a song I learned on guitar a long time I recognise that chord, but you made it your own. The chorus gives back the good 90s noise, good nood to nostalgia. The kind of songs I wish to have heard on "Life Is Strange". Good one
Hey, you may have taken an existing chord progression and used a drum loop sample, but you're the first to put them together! This has some much grungy goodness, such a great mix too, the guitar FX are class. Gaah I love that key change (I think) into the bridge, that's my favourite bit. Is that a melodica? As for "backyard zipline"; you're American, we get it
You took the Everlong chord and made it your own. No foul there at all. I like the feel of this track. A good 90s vibe.
Love what you've done to this track! This style resonates. You've got a great track here! Reminds me of some of my favorite 90's alternative songs. Excellent work!
Glad to see your back as I always enjoy your songs. I had friends like Meaghan growing up in the summers. We had a cottage in the town site and they were on the lake. They had a ski boat, little fishing boat, canoe, and a sailboat. Spent a lot of time hanging out with them.
Music is top notch and no apologies needed for how you reach where you reach during FAWM. Anything goes as the result is terrific!
I love this! I can hear the Everlong in it for sure, but you interpolate it into something else - I particularly like the harsh guitar chops in the chorus.
Always love listening to your songs. I'm more used to your more acoustic numbers but the fuller production here is so cool as well. Great songwriting and so catchy! A good example of how the most creative songs in this era are heard on sites like FAWM rather than on the radio
That guitar is mesmerizing. Lots of emotion here. The nostalgia mixed with the kick-ass vocal somehow hits a resonant spot. I've got some hilly property with big trees. My wife keeps nixing the zipline idea