One Taste

by @youraveragejoe

Skirmish: Hunger, thirst, desire, c... (@robinleaf)

Liner Notes

Thanks @robinleaf for the prompt! I probably could've gotten this done on time, but I was competing with my dog's attention. XD She kept wanting to play with me while I was working on this, and when she finally gave up on that she started chewing on her yak chew and my microphone kept picking that sound up over my voice! It's quite funny in hindsight, but it was frustrating during the process.

I have some weird vocal / string instruments in Komplete that I never really used, here was the opportunity. Thanks for listening!

#taste #desire #dark #strings #skirmish


It won’t leave my mind, you know
No mistake
I’ve hungered all this life, you know
Just one taste
Just one…

I can’t quench this thirst, you know
But I’m not afraid
There’s too much left to be tried
To behave

Why behave?
Oh, oh you’re…

Just one taste
Just one


That's uncanny, I read the lyrics first, then I thought "that'd be really funny if this was about a werewolf" then I read the liner notes about your dog! Freaking hilarious. Great song tho, definitely making some good use of negative sonic space. I like how roomy it is, really gives color to the agony in the lyrics
That dramatic is very cool. Love the vocals too - they match the song perfectly.
Why behave, indeed? I really dig this spare accompaniment with those siren-like sounds wailing through. Jae add sort of a yearning anticipation to this sexy vibe. And those low
Nothing hugely constructive to say here beyond I also here the NIN here, and you have a Trent Reznor-y voice which can never be said to be a bad thing
I get strong KoRn vibes with this one, in particular their dark broody songs from Issues. I dig it!
This bears some weird resemblance to Nine Inch Nails which I notice @cloudboy already stated below. This certainly left me hungry for more.
I love the hushed tone!:and that subtle beat and that menacing siren really tops it!'
This is quite evocative, menacing, and lovely. Reminds me of 90s NIN (vocally and arrangement-wise). Which gets me every time. FULL OF DESIRE. Great skirmish work!
Some cool sounds in there - they almost sound vocal in an evil possessed kind of way. Had the feel of Peter Gabriel's 'Intruder' about it with very ominous tones going on.
This is really excellent. The words just say enough….of that sound of siren singing is a fantastic addition. Not to mention the bending sound that kind of sounds like a plane. Man, you are really keying in to something special so far. Well done!
This has a feel of a music score. I like the sparseness of it and the interesting instrumentation. It has a malevolent, brooding quality to it. Nice to listen to something quite different.
Wow! This noise coming in like a alien calling gives me ghoosebumps! Disturbing and gloomy!
Very good!
Hey this song is a whole vibe! Of course I’m interpreting everything today through my own broody lens of seeing the world implode, this is kind of a perfect soundtrack for how I feel. I really like the spooky clashing notes