
Your Average Joe






  • Germany, until next month!
Hello, my name is Joe, or "Your Average Joe". This is my ninth FAWM.

I'm not sure how much music I will be able to make this year, as I'm preparing to move to another country on February 28th!

There is still so much to do... I hope to listen to your music while cleaning my apartment and preparing my things. Thank you all in advance for sharing your creativity and music with us, FAWM is magical.

I have no doubts that the changes in my life will bleed into the songs I do manage to write. I hope to share with you again this year, happy FAWM everyone.

Also, I will not be using any LLM / AI in my songwriting process, although most of us are using it (or being used by it) inadvertently these days and without our consent or knowledge.

The point of this process for me is to hone into my creativity and to express my deeper "self", and using an AI would be the opposite of that. That would be like outsourcing, why would I give away my job of making music and stretching my skills and trying new things? I do this work for free, because I love it. #noAI


Man I respect the hell out of how much you're ready to not use AI. I too feel very strongly against it. Looking forward to your music this year comrade!
Hiya Joe! Have a great FAWM šŸ„³ I moved to Spain in 2020, you're gonna love it, hope the move goes well and it inspires some beautiful songs... šŸ˜ maybe even a wee Spanish number to celebrate the occasion šŸ’ƒ
Have a great FAWM and good luck with the moveā€¦ Perhaps it will inspire great song titles like ā€œso few boxes so much stuffā€, ā€œwhereā€™s my Sharpieā€ and ā€œfreight costs arenā€™t what they used to beā€ā€¦ looking forward to hearing what you produce.
Great to see you back! Enjot FAWM
Hiya, Joe! Welcome back to FAWM! Agree with you 100% with AI. Sigh. It feels too much like cheating. Can you imagine what the next generation of music will be??? So impersonal! šŸ˜¢ Happy FAWM 2025! šŸŽµ
Hiiiii! I am so glad to see you here again! And wow, you're moving to Spain? What city? I have had some personal life stuff change since last year, and I have a Spanish-speaking significant other now. šŸ˜› I'm still in the same place, though. I am really glad that my skirmish prompts helped you last year! I am hosting a BUNCH, so I hope you can catch a couple (and if you see the prompts later on, feel free to still participate if you like the prompts). Have a wonderful FAWM! I am excited to hear what you write.
Oh goodness I canā€™t believe that I hadnā€™t said hello!! Well, a big HELLO to you!! Letā€™s catch up! Iā€™m sure up for a collaboration!!
Hi Joe! I hope you have a really awesome FAWM!
Hey, welcome back.
Have a productive FAWM.
Happy FAWM to you! Looking forward to hearing your stuff. Also on team #noAI.
Happy FAWM whatever you can accomplish! No AI for me either-how else do you learn?