Battle Against a Bytewise Baddie

by @sci

Liner Notes

what sort of things would you expect in the battle music for a digital foe?
perhaps... atonal gain hiss, assorted generated noises, clicks, and a microsampled chord or two.

and some FM bass, since this is a battle after all.

#fawmtronica #glitch #instrumental #noai


yo, this is awesome! wonderful glitching all over! all the 8 bit type elements and noisy sounds contrast those super clean chords very well. The dynamic arrangement and song structure keeps it interesting throughout. I'm also a fan of the very subtle intro where it starts on a fill and goes straight into the groove. Great stuff!
If I played a game with this as the battle music, I'd have to pause and jam to it for at least 10 minutes so that I don't lose lol. Love all the different pieces glitched seamlessly together! I don't know much about mixing but I feel like it takes a lot of skill to do chopped samples like that. Pretty awesome stuff haha
Sitting here shaking my head at how absolutely awesome this sounds.
Every sound brought in and placed at the exact right time. The microgrooves...crazy.
I'm almost too mesmerized by all the different rhythms and how you're making them with all these differently textured sounds, to even remember to groove in my chair.
The melodic-ness of all of how all this fits together...beautiful to me.
These bits of chords...all chopped and micro-ized. Its like they are playing patty-cake with that WONDERFUL bass...and all these other percussive sounds are sitting around those two in a circle clapping and slapping their knees and stomping their feet.
This is my second listen and I have not stopped shaking my head.
Amazing work. Way beyond my comprehension.
Gorgeously skittery beats. Makes me think the foe probably has an improbably large moustache and *impeccable* dance moves. This grooves, and grooves _hard_.
I am picturing some sort of hydra boss that can blow fireballs from many different heads. Sounds like a tough level to beat! Lemme go get another quarter...