Take A Look In The Mirror

by @johnstaples

Skirmish: take a look in the mirror (@fairplay)

Liner Notes

So, I did this one a little different! I recorded a track with a basic verse-chorus-verse-chorus-verse-chorus structure and waited for the prompt. Then I worked on lyrics to fit my track. It still took me an hour and a half but I got a more complete song out of it I think! Maybe I'll come back to it later or maybe not! :D

#lookinthemirror #skirmish #americana #folk


Take A Look In The Mirror
February 5, 2025

hello mirror on the wall
am I ready for the fall?
must my dreams fade into gray?
will the storm take me away?

take a look in the mirror
all this pain becoming clearer
did I sleep away the days?
am I falling awake?

hello mirror of my life
are those really my dead eyes?
has the sun withheld its light?
I'm not ready for the fight

take a look in the mirror
as my future's getting nearer
was I built from these mistakes?
am I falling awake?

hello mirror of my soul
will I make this journey whole?
is there time for me to change?
must I carry all the blame?

take a look in the mirror
I will try to be sincerer
understand what is at stake
am I falling awake?

© 2025 John Staples


Woah, balls-to-the-wall panpipes (or whatever that is) from the outset, that's amazing. I like the rush of questions, they work really well for a song like this. A mirror is a really great object for lyrical contemplation; it's a good lyrical theme; a bit fairytale, a lot introspective. Your performance is really plaintive and soulful, its great. - falling awake - that's a keeper. Musically it sounds beautiful, big and small at the same time, with a really nice hooky melody.
Ahhh john back to my listening post and straight to this. Firstly the smooth movements of those gorgeous chords synced with my bones and had my pretty much wanting to steal them, But the etheral sound of all the backing instruments is just perfect. And matey that delicate vocal really hit homes hard. Beautiful and hearfelt lyrics to boot. A winner
This is beautiful. Love the very thoughtful lyrics, esp the falling awake lyric and the image of that (shouldn't that be the title?). Very interesting, the stereo guitar and piano, both kind of playing lead/arpeggios... And love the flute.
I didn't know how badly I needed the intersection of "My Heart Will Go On" and "Comfortably Numb," yet here we are!
That track is beautiful in itself, so light and soothing, then with those darker lyrics it is a lovely contrast. Really felt the honestly and emotion in your lyrics, beautifully haunting.
We've both got mirrors on the wall this FAWM! 😂 This kind of reminds me of The Phantom of the Opera a bit. I love the cool challenge you threw into your skirmish. It worked exceptionally well! You can even make "sincerer" work!! Dark but beautifully genuine! Awesome job, as always! 😄 🎵
Beautiful pan flute playing! Great song for the skirmish. The theme of looking in the mirror seems deeply woven into this song and the music that accompanies it takes it home. Great song. 🐸
Love the idea of creating a track then writing lyrics to fit, I might try that approach. The music is so beautifully haunting and the lyrics fit so wonderfully. Brilliant song!
i love the feeling of this. I mean I'm a sucker for melancholy but the whole introspective feel of time running out and the uncertainty of it is very beautifully executed. Love it!
What an insightful, lived-in track; in just a few short stanzas, we get to know this person so well. It's a sweeping, emotional blade that slips into the listener's soul (which sounds like hyperbolic praise, but is really true.)
This was a little trippy to read. I wonder if the word Mirror is overused but I'm not listening to the music, so knowing your skill and talent at songwriting, you've got things down pat.

Also there are so many great lines in this:

am I falling awake
must I carry all the blame
are those really my dead eyes
must my dreams fade into grey
am I ready for the fall

Getting older isn't always fun and it sucks to feel like the clock is ticking.
Perhaps that's why we care less about what people think as we mature ?

but what I like about this lyric is that if you wanted to change the sequence of all the lines, the songs would still work because of all the truths and fears you have captured in those moments where we stare back at ourselves in the mirror.

Nice work!! When is your album coming out? C'mon man ... it's been 12 yrs!!!
Oh nice slow pace, gives it a very thoughtful feel! The lyrics match that so well! Interesting pretty but much sparser use of intstruments. Nice song John
Love the eerie feeling to the accompaniment. The piano really accentuates the lyrics and draws the listener in in-between phrases to emphasise the pain you're in here.
Oh my days - pure melancholy wrapped in a John Staples vocal - with added pan flute no less.
Lovely! A little dark, a little dreamy, which seems a perfect match for the prompt. I really like the alternating hello mirror/take a look approach you took here.
Very nice! Love the Melody and your voice!
i rarely listen to skirmish songs, but i didnt want to miss something from John Staples. I could never have written this song, as i havent looked in a mirror for the last 20 years. Ive have accidental glimpses, and they scare me enough. I admire Johns courage to look into the mirror without blinking, and to be honest in a song about what he sees,
This is an amazing skirmish song!!....What am I saying?? It's an incredible song period!! Deeply spiritual, highly relatable lyrics... I LOVE the the line : "Am I falling Awake?" WOW...just wow!! The Flute is an absolutely perfect instrument for the mood. It makes me feel like we're out in a meadow. Your vocals on this song are chillingly good. That slight break in your voice is done perfectly. I can feel the emotion pouring out. The melody is unique and soothing, I especially love the chorus (with my fav lyric!!). one thing... sincerer???? LOL!!!
Lovely chill song. Lovely lyrics. I especially enjoyed the line ‘am I falling awake’. Nice!
This is a really wonderful introspective and insightful song - great hook and reminder for our lives. I love the vulnerability that comes through in the vocal delivery. Wonderful pacing to let the words sink in. Fabulous!!!! Great instrumentation as well!
Om my god this coulkd be the storylie for a ghost story for Netflix. Lovely
Such a somber song. The melancholic arrangement suits the introspective lyrics it really ties in wonderfully. I agree with everyone that the line "am i falling awake" is a great line. Definitely worth refining!
The arrangement had me hooked immediately, especially the flute. (In my mind I see the woods of The Last Unicorn.) There is so much gentle agony.

"must my dreams fade into gray? / will the storm take me away?" and the repeated "am I falling awake?" are such wonderful lyrics.

I'm in awe that you created and produced something so professional and complete sounding so *quickly!*
Beautifully sad and pensive, each and every thing I've heard in the skirmish'es have inspired me in some way, and yours did not fail
profoundly beautiful. Love the mystic of the panflute. Love the dialogue format of the song taking to the mirror . Fav line "am I falling awake"
That’s exactly how I would have to do a skirmish because the lyrics come from the music in my process. Kudos! This sounds so plaintive. I’m about to cry…
…very nice and kind of dreamy - the lyrics are at the same time personal and a little dark - great presentation - hope you get around to come back to it again…