moon in strange world / mond in fremder welt

by @mahtowin

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Every FAWM or 5090 I post a poem for you to work with - if you want to.
If these words speak to you somehow you are heartly invited to bring them to your music. In any language you like to!

You are also invited to put out some lines or an image, work with them and create something new!

I'll use them later on in one of my/our songs.

Hope you like it!
you find the English translation below.

#poem #needsmusic #lyricsneedmusic #lyrics


Wie ein Mond
in einer fremden Welt
leuchtet die Hagebutte
aus den Zweigen
der Wildrose

stille Schönheit
im gefrorenen Nebel

Ich atme meinen Schlaf aus
ein gefrorener Traum
kristallener Zauberwald
Seifenblasen im Eis

Die Zeit verweilt hier

Wir laden sie ein
sich auszuruhen

zwischen Eiskristallen
bauen wir ihr ein Bett
aus Rabenfedern

Like a moon
in a strange world
the rose hip shines
from the branches
of the wild rose

silent beauty
in frozen fog

I breathe out my sleep
a frozen dream
crystal enchanted forest
Soap bubbles in the ice

Time lingers here

We invite
to rest

between ice crystals
we build her a bed
made of raven feathers


Moon poems are among my favorites and I hope it gets music!
Gorgeous enchanting poetry.
Das habe Ich shön gefühlt in Nebel und Schnee. Welche Verwunderung !
Knuspriger Text.
This is a beautiful poem. So evocative :)
This conjures up so many mysterious and colorful images in my mind. I particularly like "silent beauty in a frozen fog" and "soap bubbles in the ice" and "a bed made of raven feathers." It's as if someone captured an icy forest at night and made it into poetry. Love it!
I love the opening lines so much. I stopped, smiling, and thought about them for a bit before proceeding. The whole thing is lovely, so concretely visual and somehow ethereal at the same time. I'm leaving for Mexico soon, but I might try to do something with these words :)