Ghosts R Dead
by @citizin
Liner Notes
#metal #metalcore
Ghosts R Dead. You are not. You are alive. Act like it!!
this music makes me feel happy. it's noisy, but there's no anger in it :::: the chaos is playful and free, not destructive or harmful. i'd like to hear a jazz quartet have a run at this. do you like jazz? (mid-60s ornette coleman?)
Amen dude. Ghosts be done feeling pain and pleasure.
This is a face melter…the blend of melodic and percussiveness in your playing is incredible. This one reminds me of Dillinger escape plans record with Mike patton…I hope that’s ok, I love that album.
This is a face melter…the blend of melodic and percussiveness in your playing is incredible. This one reminds me of Dillinger escape plans record with Mike patton…I hope that’s ok, I love that album.
Somehow the headbanging 4/4 sections feel just as unhinged as the rest of it. Well done.
Great riffs, all individually fun. Love the transitions between them. Great rhythm/tempo changes, very fun. Thanks for reminding me to live like I'm alive.
That run from about :30 into the double tracking 🔥 🔥 🔥 Loving the tempo changes. Sick motif around 3:15. And the transition right after got me stank faced. I may not always act alive, but this made me FEEL it lol! Great song!