by @citizin
Liner Notes
#mathrock #oddtimesignature
One of my old math rock songs. I don't love the verse and its energy feels too subdued with the tone I'm using. But I think the other sections came out alright.
I wanna hear cool aid and collected aid then you’ll have the great man’s trilogy. And you can go all the way to hell the verses are dope af. You e got some lil country runs in here, some staccato funk stabs, I’ve got my abacus out trying to keep up! You are such an eclectic and inspired player. Much respect
Another cool tune. Jazzy with some of the chords.
I think the CalmAid Man would bust through a brick wall, but instead of saying "Ohhh, yeaaahh" he'd say "Namaste"
I think the CalmAid Man would bust through a brick wall, but instead of saying "Ohhh, yeaaahh" he'd say "Namaste"
Love the groove, I bopped along with it the entire time... in odd, asymmetrical ways. It all flows together really well. I kinda wish it had a fat solo in there somewhere to break up the nonstop percussive rhythm of it all. Overall very enjoyable.
The mix is gorgeous. There is a subtle funkiness in everything that makes you smile. This was a jam!
ough these timbres are tight. i think im going to disagree with your "energy feels too subdued" assessment. every inch of this is delightful
The part around 2:00 is amazing. Love the general feel. Fits the genre well. Great job.