I Wouldn't Expect

by @tfish77

I Wouldn't Expect

Liner Notes

#acoustic #sad #CheatersDozen

Another one from my Cheater's Dozen, this time I only really had the chord progression and rhythm, which I improvised one night making up songs with my daughter.

This is part of a creativity/inspiration swap I'm doing with a writer friend of mine. I sent him Winter In My Bones (https://write.fawm.org/songs/303846) for him to use as inspiration for a story, and he sent me a short story he wrote, which inspired me to write this.

I know my solos aren't very advanced, but 2 electric guitar solos in one FAWM is a *lot* for me.


another lonely winter's night
i can see the fire light
lighting someone else's life
my empty place is home tonight

but I wouldn't expect you to understand
no I wouldn't expect you to understand
yeah I wouldn't expect you to understand
no not at all

tonight I am party of one
the lonely souls who share no one
don't even want to sit with me
alone again, unnaturally*

but I wouldn't expect you to understand
no I wouldn't expect you to understand
yeah I wouldn't expect you to understand
no not at all

(*apologies to Gilbert O'Sullivan)


I like the way that You remains undefined. Is this a person at the next table, the snooty restaurant hostess, the singer’s parent or friend, or a current lover, or an ex lover, and all these different meaning crowd in at once, like they are all trying to get a table, so now the singer’s going to have to wait a long time. The refrain caught in my head. Also thought about the way that line really is a bid for understanding and longing for the connection while trying to preempt the disappointment by expecting it. Peak human.
Excellent vibe going here, really cool instrumentation combos. Chorus melody is super catchy. It's got some Jerry Cantrell in it. Fun track!
Nice catchy chord progression. I completely agree to that slight psych feeling. Cool instrumentation and the vocal have a good melody. Only the mix has A LOT of bass. My desk is shaking...
Love the chord changes to this. Has a fun psychedelic feel to it, especially the guitar solo. Nice tone.
The distorted piano/synth that comes it on the line of the party of one is where it's at. The chorus is super hooky. Excellent my dude.