lying to strangers online

by @sailingmagpie

lying to strangers online

Liner Notes

This is a silly song that I wrote on Saturday inspired by someone I saw on Reddit ages ago claiming that they'd independently come up with a really complex philosophical realisation when they were a toddler. Sadly, I can't remember what concept it was but needless to say, they were lying and it made me wonder why they would bother posting such an obvious lie.

#silly #indie #drumsdrumsdrums


you expect us to believe
that you were never that naive
a toddler who could barely speak
wrestling with philosophy
less Kierkegaard, more kindergarten
orating by the sandpit in the garden
no subject too complex to discuss
you were Socrates eating a rusk

why would you waste your time
lying to strangers online?
no-one gives a shit about you
or the nonsense you claim is true


That echoey, crunchy synth is so nice. I really like those gentle downwards cadences of your voice. Something of the Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens about it. I wish we did teach philosophy in early education. So that we don't scold the whys out of our kids. But yeah, digression. "Socrates eating a rusk" is a great line.
Ooh this is great, it's got a bit of a John Cale feel to me. Very clever and funny lyrics -- the Kierkegaard to kindergarten lines works REALLY well.
Love those busy drums! I'm equally baffled by both the "telling lies online" phenomenon and also the one where people respond to any vaguely interesting story accusing it of being made up. I wish I'd had the idea of writing a song about it instead of just getting annoyed! But that's why they pay you the big bucks.
Lol Socrates eating a rusk. There's not enough electronic tracks in 3/4, so you're doing good work here. The bones of this have a very classic feel to them; I'm imagining Tom Jones singing it - I bet he hates online bullshitters. Of course, the ironic thing about lying about philosophy is that by trying to seem intelligent, they're demonstrating that not smart enough to realise that people aren't impressed by it, even when told so directly. I like how I didn't notice the guitar until the very last strum. Nothing like using a whole track for one chord.
For a ‘silly song’ this is understatedly great. The lyrics are pointed but economic - nothing’s wasted - and the vocal works brilliantly over the lilting music, which sounds straight-forward but has some deft production chops. I particularly like the subtle guitar part, both what you’re playing and the sound/balance. Voice sounds great. Again. Really impressive.
That gentle carousel track makes this song feel to me partly like an invitation to drop all the pretense - which maybe comes from having been praised as a child for being mature for one’s age. Relax, you don’t need to be a prodigy anymore. Ride the carousel instead.
Original subject matter, good vocal melody, nice chords, fun lyrics! Enjoyed that 😄
Nice beat with the repetitive works. Very nice vocals so calm and smooth. Well done