Can you trust the universe?

by @paulmilne

Skirmish: (Trusting) The Universe ❀... (@kenziemackmusic)
Can you trust the universe?

Liner Notes

I came into this skirmish in its dying minutes so didn't make the cutoff, but given the amount of time I've spent on this (about 45 minutes start to finish) I'm pretty happy with the result.

Β© Paul Milne, all rights reserved


If you can't trust the universe
Then who can you trust
If you can't trust the universe
Then life's a total bust
We've got to hope that everything's
Exactly as it seems
And life's not just some crazy dream

But if your dream's a nightmare
Then you might disagree
If poverty and warfare
Is your reality
You might like to catch a lift
On some cosmic wormhole bus
To a different universe that you can trust


I really like this you can sense the immediacy and the melody is nice, you can hear the ideas that would no doubt come through once the song is bedded in.
Your lyric is excellent so few words addressing a universe with universal problems. Excellent job for a quickie. πŸ˜„
Yeah it all depends on the luck of the dice with where we’re born. I love how you addressed the different perspectives on this subject. Great song and especially in such a short timeframe.
Well done! Comin in at the end! πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ great wee song! Like ur take on the prompt.. thanks fir joining in x πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ‘
the relativity of contentment
agree with other comments
a good write
I like the philosophy. Where does trust begin? The music has a nice forward movement encouraging us not to stop and think too deeply unless we are really ready.
Short and simple lovely song with a relevant and compelling message! Well done!
I really like the message of this, the whole thing of well this the universe we have so let's make the best of it. Concise and to the point! 😊
Good message. The universe is inside of us. It will be whatever we are. That will be our contribution. So, Let's turn it into paradise as we turn ourselves into the keepers and creators of paradise.