satellite town
Liner Notes
I felt like I was dropping behind a bit but I've got quite a few tracks in various states of completion, so the obvious thing is to start something from scratch! Luckily this only took me a few hours to throw together.
#noir #smalltownangst
I met a man
The day the hurricane came
I'll sell you my medals he said
A picture of the queen
Might keep him warm or...
Might keep him down instead
Satellite town
Satellite town
Satellite town
Satellite town
The police tape
Flutters in the cold breeze
Broken glass upon the dirt
Though the violence
Washed away by sunlight
It's clear somebody got hurt
Satellite town
Satellite town
Satellite town
Satellite town
Somewhere in my recumbent solitude
I'm fumbling in the dark
Precise in my inexactitude
Sacrificed for a drying art
Satellite town
Satellite town
Satellite town
Satellite town