NGC 6505

by @sapient · @gordon

NGC 6505
sapient +1

Liner Notes

Those boys from #Bridge11 are back again for more #spacerock
It's like rock, but it's in space! 😀


Through Euclid's lens,
The cosmos bends,
More than 4 billion light years away
NGC 6505
Surrounded by a perfect circle of light

An Einstein Ring captured in space
Magnificent, not commonplace
A background galaxy
Seen through the warped space and time
Of a very nearby foreground galaxy

Time and light, perfectly aligned
Bending space itself
A glimpse of truth
Gravity and stars collide
No divine plan implied


This has the feeling of spanning those 4 billion light years. You know how much I love #spacerock, especially #bridge11 , so it's no surprise that I am absolute enraptured by this track. It's such a lovely journey through space & time. @gordon's voice is so soothing, & @sapient's music is epic. Such a perfect mixture of talent. Gonna get lost in this one again & again, I'm certain!

See You In The Shadows…
Cosmic landscapes!
Love the atmosphere. The vocals are delightfully spacious. The bridge/coda section is a cool change of pace.
This is delightfully dreamy! Space rock, indeed!