Away with the Fairies

by @ttg105

Liner Notes

#love #guiro #dreamers

"Away with the fairies" is an old British expression that means someone's head is in the clouds ... he/she is a daydreamer and cloud watcher and not completely comfortable in the real world. I can relate!


Some are wary of Mary cos they say
she's away with the fairies
but if you've seen her
you know she's just a dreamer
like an orange, you have to peel her
to find the flavor within

Some are wary of Gary cos they say
he's away with the fairies
but if you've seen him
you'll know he's just a dreamer
like a grapefruit, you have to peel him
to find the flavor

So Gary met Mary
and Gary carried Mary
in his arms and they married
and everyone said
they're away with the fairies
but they wouldn't have it any other way


That acoustic guitar riff is great and the slowing of pace is a very effective way to emphasize the dreaminess of the protagonists. Thumbs up for even making a video!
peel her to find the flavor...
Layers of thoughts and dreams. I think I like Gary and Mary. Love the music for this, makes me want to get my guiro out!!! What instrument does the cat play?
Well used term in our house always! The music ain’t it’s right here and now! Lyrics as unusual and interesting as ever!
In a way, although these lyrics are obviously very fanciful, they're also more concrete than some of what you do, telling a pretty straightforward story that's tremendously affecting and inspiring. And they work so well with the cycling, spacey, catchy, off-kilter music track. (And the cat's bemused attitude in the video somehow just adds to the oddball joyfulness of the overall multimedia experience!)
only the fairies could have inspired such an otherworldly arrangement. the bass is fabulous, as to be expected from you, but the way everything fits so perfectly in place with it is simply beyond human means. those oversized fairy ears were at the board when this confection was blended (how's that for a near rhyme) and most important is that you have solved the mystery of the disappearance of mary and gary,
admit that i was hooked by the video at first, but the wicked guitar stuff and percussion kept me here. I feel like I can visualise one of them but all I can call it is... a fish shaker? that is not the name. The melodica was also lovely and all of this elevated a relatively simple guitar track into something interesting and cool
Beautiful in many ways! Love the guitar and the spanish (?) rhythm and - of course - the dreamy melodica!
Really good lyrics! Cute video with this fantastic guest star Stanley!

And I can relate to the fairy tale idea very much … !
Perfect video for this. Cool rhythm. Yeah, have been accused of being a dreamer. In fact, my step dad said, “You’re going to dream your life away.” Isn’t that an artist’s job?
"like an orange, you have to peel her/ to find the flavor within" -- wow! Glad they found each other. I like learning of the "away with the fairies" phrase.