How the gerundive was exiled [FT]

by @timfatchen Mod

Liner Notes

One for the grammarnerds. I should be ashamed of myself but...too late. Improvised melody and accompaniment, but I was very careful with the grammarly construction of this joke.

And demonstrating how Nigel Molesworth deformed my character:

Alternative title: "this should stop you pestering my gerunds, @stephenwordsmith"

#nerd #grammar #guy-with-piano #acousticonetake #improvisation #feast


Words & Music Copyright © 2025 TJ Fatchen All Rights Reserved APRA-AMCOS

The gerundive: it's said to be a passive participle;
Between a verb and adjective, it takes the middle ground.
In Latin you will find it ranging, very concupiscible,
But when it comes to English, well, it pleads to be found.

For when the Latin gerundive addressed the Anglo-Saxons,
They misconstrued its evidence in all their talking.
So when it came to Middle English grammarly contractions,
It was the Noble Gerund that they set to walking.

Gerundives were fresh abused, accused of merit lacking.
The Anglo-Saxons scorned it --they were not for turning.
The gerundive into the darkness they sent packing,
Infinitely exiled by the English spurning.

So that is why, my English friends, the gerund stands by you,
While languish lonely gerundives, their fate bewailing;
And if by chance a gerundive might come into your view,
Order it to cease to be, or stand accused of failing.


A feast for every language nerd! 😊
I'm imagining an entire School House Rock animation in my head to this clever tune! Seriously, this could be an animation or theater number. So creative!
This is a song to be played more than once.
If you see a verb impersonating an adjective, shoot it on sight
Well, that's taught me a new word! I found myself smiling throughout. Funny AND clever. Really enjoyed this 😃
viva la grammar police! hunt out that passive participle. none shall escape.
Huzzah! We need more grammar songs! I love this setting and your performance. Great job, my good man!