Blowing off steam

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#loud #jam #instrumental #rock #homemade
There are days when turning it up to 11 and letting rip is the best option. I haven't played "shreddy" guitar for quite a while, and it certainly shows in this recording.
The homemade tag is mainly for the amplifier I'm using, but Frankie, my beloved Telecaster has had some fairly major surgery over the last 20 years and now very few of the original Fender parts remain.




Shredding and rocking track, enjoyed the zest in this one!
So I guess the question is, is Frankie the same guitar it was 20 year ago?
I mean, as you replace most or all the parts, when does it become a different machine?
Is it the physical thing, or is it the soul with which we invest our possessions that makes it "the thing"????
Anyway, yeah, shredding.
Really great rokkin out here.
Loved it.
Beautiful axe, and clearly still capable of supporting a classic shred! Found myself gently head banging along to this one, nice work.
Oooh Frankie you dirty beast! I bet all the other guitars are now looking timidly at each other 😂 Loved it Paul.
Yasssss, now THESE are the kinds of dreams I want. Just the ticket, thank you DD!
Though I must say I’m not feckin sleepy now am I?! You really should be tagging your songs to help people find suitable pre sleep listening 😛 Admittedly you have tagged this loud so I suppose SOME
of the blame is my own.
Holy smokes….wow. This sounds both satisfying and cathartic!! Unbelievable.