Back Of The Bus

by @headfirstonly Mod

Back Of The Bus

Liner Notes

Here's some #protest #pop for you in the form of an ode to misbehaving. I was trying to dodge my tendency to go for a #bigProduction but failed miserably, of course.


There's always someone on the road you're taking
Nowhere as grown-up as he ought to be
Not backing down about the fuss he's making
To my surprise, these days that guy is me

I can be your ally or opponent
I'm pretty good at being cruel or kind
It just depends if, at the crucial moment
You see you're being taken for a ride

Once, I was the boring kind;
the quintessential galley slave
Too afraid to speak my mind
Now I'm old, I misbehave

You must have seen my double
He's not the same as us
You'll find me causing trouble
At the back of the bus

In my opinion, you're too forgiving
Stand by and watch your infrastructure wrecked?
They do not care about your cost of living
The kleptocracy is in effect

Will you just sit there as it happens
and watch it all come crashing down?
Not your circus, not your monkeys
But your new ruler is a clown...

You know these idiots are on the rampage
They have no right to do the things they do
And if you understand my moral outrage
I have to ask: why aren't you shouting, too?


Nicely done, the drums and bass make me think of a bus rolling along with some rabblerousers in the back.
Like the James McMurtry bus song “You can’t be young and do that. I like the gentle tone with the rage seething below, and the recognition that you haven’t always known what you know now.
Nice mix, with the vocals coming through strong and does the message.
Let’s misbehave together! Keeping doing it mate! Lovely bed to push the message!
It’s so hard to resist the big production. So why bother? Haha - give in to its fun. Trouble at the Back of the Bus is a great title and concept for a soft rebellion. Deffo a fan of your productions!
Did I write this 😂 The number of times these days I hear myself screaming OFFS and then tempering what actually comes out of my mouth. Not my circus, not my monkeys is my mantra. Thank you Chris, I needed this this morning 😎
Yes, I’m old I misbehave! Love it! You do have quite the production, but hey, that’s part of the fun. Your lyrics hit the nail (of complacency) on the head. Well said.
Great interplay between guitar lines and vocal melody. Love that squishy bass sound. -- It's true, radicals and protesters are usually either university students or pensioners (or pensioner-adjacent, getting on in years). The great middle is too invested in day-to-day life in the Machine.
Nice write! The shift in feel between the "former me" and the current troublemaker is great. I think we'll see a lot more troublemaking coming down the pipe.
Digging the progressions, and the lyric is spot on, you're describing the shitshow this side of the pond to a T...