Full of Yourself

by @hbusse

Full of Yourself

Liner Notes

#rock #girlwithguitar #drummachine

Hey look, I learned how to play power chords on my husband's old Fender Stratocaster that neither of us had played for 20 years! A bit messy on the production here, but I had fun playing around with it nonetheless.

(It feels kind of odd that I haven't done any of my normal "girl-with-piano" fare yet this FAWM. Oh well, I'm going with it.)


Silver spoon, I dare say that the table’s always been set up for you
You’re so smooth, your words they flow like honey but they stick like super glue
Best seat in the house, your name is on it and you think you earned it too
You’re just so much better, you’re just so much better
But you should know better

How could you have the time or inclination to love anybody else
No room’s left for them cause you’re too full of yourself
How could you see the hundreds of relations or a thousand parallels
No you’re not like them, you’re just too full of yourself

Just one wins, and all the rest are losers in the racetrack in your mind
No, it doesn’t bother you to trample anyone who falls behind
But don’t you see an eye for an eye will make our world completely blind
You think you’re much better, you think you’re much better
But you should know better

You’re mortal like the others
Your life will pass away
Just like your estranged brothers
You’ll fade out into gray


Carly Simon has nothing on you! This is a lot of fun, and way to stretch those power chord muscles! I love that high, breathy delivery on the chorus. And, if I'm not mistaken, a searing commentary on a certain orange someone who is in the news way too much these days.
Fun write! Captures the narcissist's worldview perfectly. The turn in the bridge has to be their worst nightmare.

The strat sounds great, and the Rhodes'y fills are a great response to the lyric.
The melody of the chorus has a Prince feel to it. (I only know his hits, so I don't know if did takedown songs like this one.) The guitar feels like the right instrument for the sentiment of the tune. Way to bring new life to the 20 years dormant instrument!

Favorite lines:
"Just one wins, and all the rest are losers in the racetrack in your mind
No, it doesn’t bother you to trample anyone who falls behind"
i love the long syncopated lines in the verses, and when you go into a higher register on the chorus i get a prince vibe off the melody. those soulful organ and guitar breaks keep the funk alive.
Nice write! What they said already!
Great attitude, cool delivery, a bit of Prince, a bit of Sheryl Cow. Great lyrics - an eye for an eye will make the world completely blind! It seems there are a lot of people around in the world who haven't been told your song's message enough! 😆 🚀
Haha awesome. FAWM is for fun and experimenting (and getting out a dusty instrument) and chances are the left field choices will end up being inspired - as this one is! I like how the double tracked guitars and the growly bass fill up the lower registers and leave room for your voice and keyboards to float above. Definitely a Prince vibe.
The melody is cool and the strat sounds great, power chords never get old!
The last bit -- "you're mortal like the others" etc is I think what makes this song almost feel like a psalm paraphrase, like one of the imprecatory psalms where David is ranting against the evil and evildoers in the world. What a great song!
You know what? I can SOOO hear the finished production of this fantastic tune and it is a HIT! This is a very well written song and has just the right sass! This is wonderful! Thanks for sharing! Keep playing that guitar...it suits ya! Many Blessings!
I love the way FAWM can pull songs/genres out of us that we might not let ourselves find otherwise. The switch between your vocal registers from the verse to the chorus is so good, as is the tasty keys adding just the right accents.
Love the vibe! Channeling prince among others! The organ fills and the choice of the shakes is really great, as is where the whole arrangement cuts out for some impactful silence before the chorus. Great listen!
I'm hearing that Prince vibe too - love that keyboard work
Great, great song. Are you double-tracking the guitar or just using a really wide stereo spectrum--because I'm hearing it in both speakers. Terrific production! ❤️
I personally love power chords and this the perfect place for them. This is a great song! Lyrics are relatable and singable. That poppy-rock groove makes me want to put this on while I dance around the house. Love how you go back to the guitar riff after the bridge. And the laugh at the end! Fantastic!
This is a great tune! Definitely has a Purple One-ish vibe going on, I think he'd approve. Love the lyrical jab at the self-important narcissist types...had a boss like that once...uff da. Great work!
oh that drum machine is 80’s big hair pop. Really great overall sound with the power chords and organ. And the chorus is falsetto magic - reminds me ‘kiss’ by prince in its impact. Great song! Im going in for a second listen
Damn! So many genres and ideas being thrown into the pot here! Alt-rock guitar strumminess, Prince stepping in to take the chorus (which is killer btw), Billy Preston-esque keys fills. Lyrics are great, particularly liked the little switch on ‘think you’re better/should know better’ on the pre-chorus. And you may downplay the production but there’s some ace choices - love the shakers at the end of each drum loop, and the delay on the vocal is really nicely done. Mix is great too. Love how experimental you’re being this month, Hannah, it’s very inspiring :)