Discouraging Flora

by @ttg105


Liner Notes

#bass #postpunk

Had to whisper since people were in the house.


A flower, a dandelion, said to me,
"There's no use in trying
so you might as well
go back to bed"

A tree, a palm, said to me,
"Why leave the house?
There's nothing out here
for you"

A hedge, an evergreen, said,
"Others have got the edge
so why bother with
getting out of bed?"

They are discouraging flora
but you should know I'm a gardener
and they're just trying to discourage me
from trimming and snipping their leaves

"You look tired" said the briar
"Why not say home today?" said the holly
"You look like shit" said the orchid

"Yeah, yeah yeah," I sighed
"I'm sick of your mind games
"Now get out of my way"


Your bass playing in this is a real treat. I like the groove, the tone, everything. And I like the contrast between the postpunk genre and the playfulness of the lyrics. The flora initially felt like villains in this to me, but the more I think about it, aren't they just interested in self-preservation? Food for thought. Fun song!
I LOVE this typicall Pennyfeather bass!
But there is so much more going on here! The whispered vocals sound like you were telling us a secret!
Again i have to think about David Lynch!
It all sounds so sexy! 😃

Great title and Lyrics!
I agree that quiet is better. It's more menacing this way. I'm a little bit afraid, actually. Anyway, this is darkly hypnotic, find of funny, except that I don't think these plants are joking
quieter is good here! love the more grungy feel here. lucky no triffids!
Bad plants abound!
Love the ending “now get out of my way”. The tale as a whole is great! Thank you!!
this is a fable for the ages. you have to make animated films from some of these songs. they would raise the bar on childrens entertainment. i would love to have grown up on stories like this. and your bass-driven music that drives it is fabulous,
Oh my gosh that big fat bass rolling down the street like a huge escaped out-of-control Thanksgiving Day parade balloon.
Great vocal delivery here.
Right up close and in my ears.
This really grooves.
So that’s who’s telling me to stay home, inside and preferably in bed - lol! Always cracks me up when people have to whisper cuz there are people in the house. Quite effective for this song. Trippy beat!