The Zoo (BSC)
by @kosch
Liner Notes
I was planning (hoping) to sneak in a Bad Song Club prompt-driven song again this FAWM. It's always a fun adventure - and you never know where you will end up.
This morning worked perfect - I was up a little early, so had some time (I mean, you only need 30 minutes!), opened the email and the prompt was “What happened at the zoo"..
In the 80's I had a few friends that had a band called The Zoo - I was a part time member, myself (harmonica on a few).
Well, it was a different time, and to say the shows at Nick & Neils were legendary, might just be an understatement.
This was the story of one of those nights (well, the amount I could rhyme in 30 minutes, anyway...)
#badsongclub #truestory #blues
The Zoo
Chuck is up there on the table
Greg is throwing it around
Lord, I'd get up if I was able,
But, the drinks are really going down
Cops are out there in the parking lot
Seeing who they might catch
Seems somebody, hit someone with something
But they ain't caught no one yet.
When The Zoo plays Nick & Neils,
Lord, it seems they're going to tear it down
But, they never do, they're just too busy
Playing those rocking sounds
Playing those rocking sounds
Playing those rocking sounds
I am digging the bluesy feel of this
Playing those rocking sounds seems like a rock anthem in the works.