The Boy Who Found A Chupacabra Bone Out In The Woods
Liner Notes
Hours of my life I'll never get back...
#electronic #chupacabras
They’re gonna put him in the paper for all the world to see
The boy who found a chupacabra bone out in the woods
They’re gonna interview him on daytime TV sat next to the TV chef
The boy who found a chupacabra bone out in the woods
You can read all the details in next month’s National Geographic
The boy who found a chupacabra bone out in the woods
Love the build of this. The synth rhythm is infectious as is the slight life on "cabra".
Haha, I love it. Telling the stories the world needs to hear right now. And that synth solo is a delight.
Holy heck this is a bag of fun!
Love the chord progression that leads in an unexpected direction after a seemingly staple start. Great mix of synths, especially that solo at the end, big chefs kiss on that one!
This music and topic would work well for a spin off series of Stranger Things.
Lovely to hear your voice again too!
Love the chord progression that leads in an unexpected direction after a seemingly staple start. Great mix of synths, especially that solo at the end, big chefs kiss on that one!
This music and topic would work well for a spin off series of Stranger Things.
Lovely to hear your voice again too!
I. Love. This. The question has been asked "are you mad?" and the answer is, of course:
Alice: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.”
Thank you for this.
Alice: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.”
Thank you for this.
And the award for the most implausible song title of the year goes to….
…… “The Efficacy of a Toaster Oven on Various Breadlike Foodstuffs” by @tcelliott and @carleybaer!
Never mind Dan, there’s always next year mate
…… “The Efficacy of a Toaster Oven on Various Breadlike Foodstuffs” by @tcelliott and @carleybaer!
Never mind Dan, there’s always next year mate
that big synth bass was shock when it came in (in a good way!). So many entertaining twists in this, the beat dropping out and the extra BVs coming in around 30 seconds, that big bendy synth solo towards the end. Weird and wonderful stuff
Fun. Had to look it up. So you've got a character and caught my interest. I'm wondering if the story continues. And the rhythm is fine, as are the wobbly keys.
Hours well spent! You made a lot of us smile.
Haha, where did THIS come from. What a topic! That fun progression, bouncy bass, and campy solo are the perfect match to the whimsical lyric. Great stuff!
Hahaha where did this come from!? It's so much fun. Agreed with the other comments on "chupa-chupacabra" just being a delightful choice. Definitely made me smile.
Ok fine, I’m listening. It really isn’t FAWM til I hear your voice dude!! Welcome back to the fray 😁 I LOVE it when you write a song about some random news story and put the coolest Dan beat and vibe all over it 😁 I love it in all its offbeat wildness 😁 They’re gonna interview him on day time tv line! *shivers* Sooooo gooood. Instant Dan classic if you ask me!
Dan, I had to turn it off at chupa-chupacabra, I loved it too much 😂
Are you mad? This is a blast. It’s got the classic understated Dan melody with a soupcon of unexpected harmonic turns. And frankly I’m going to be singing ‘chupa chupacabra’ all day. That synth outro with the delayed lfo is so good.
Excellent fun lyrics, those goatsuckers are a rare breed. Not wasted at all, I enjoyed listening, reminded me a bit of They might be giants, not as a style comparison, more as a this song made me smile comparison 😎