Star Signs

by @brisk

Liner Notes

I'm pretty sure I've heard something like this verse before, but I couldn't place it. I like the chorus though, despite that moment where there's a chord change that doesn't quite fit with everything. I can't work out why.

#personwithpianoroll #cryptic-mutterings


Eyes on me
Help me please
in sorrow
sorrow tree
Take some time
an hour or three
Set me free

Under a star sign
Some silly star sign
Any old star sign
There's only one star sign
for me

Eyes down please
I'm on my knees
The wind through
The gallows tree
One last time
With your family
You'll set them free

Under a star sign
Some silly star sign
Any old star sign
There's only one star sign
For me

Under the stars in morning
Under the stars in the morning

[Sew Low]

Eyes on me
Help me please
A sorrow
The sorrow in me

Under a star sign
Some silly star sign
Any old star sign
There's only one star sign
For me

Under the stars in the morning
Under the stars in the morning


Love where the chorus instruments come crashing in! This is lovely and the harmonies are great.
Definitely has a familiar feeling about it, but that might just be your craft over the melody and how it all melds together so well. So much so that you could tell me this is from almost any generation 60s and later and I might believe it. Love the wall of guitars after the bridge.
I think this sounds lovely, with some intriguing lyrics. I was wondering if I'd hear the ill-fitting chord change but at least I couldn't tell where it was!
I could say the music gave me reminders of Sigur Ros and some of the Beatles' songs but no accidental lifting of others' IP that I can hear. In any case, I like it very much. The development of the themes are beautifully done! I very much enjoyed the guitar solo. So much to appreciate, I think this will for sure be one I'll listen to again several times to fully identify what makes it work. And I enjoyed your cryptic mutterings! Sometimes a song doesn't have to make sense on paper to really work when sung and this is a perfect example for me!
Very brisk to my ear! Simple lyrics with hidden depth. It really holds together well! Very nice production! Easy on the ear!
amazing! the verses don’t sound familiar to me. great melodies all around. and very interesting chord changes. none of the chords felt out of place. the guitar solo was so cool. it has a kind of spacey feel. almost reminds me of pinkerton era weezer type guitar work, which was very cool. it’s great when your voice goes super low for the “under the stars in the morning” parts. this was fun to listen to. great job
I was listening out for the rogue chord, but even after a couple of listens I feel like everything belongs. If anything it just adds some aural interest. There’s a really cool sense of build and swell in this one. Very epic sounding. Awesome work with the melody in the verse, not ringing any bells here, I’d claim it!
Beautiful. Lush melodies and harmonies. You are just so darn good at that. If I could manage any inflection in my voice I would try to copy what you do. It is so uniquely you though, love it. The musical composition is fantastic too. A wonderful song all around. I don’t want to miss listening to these…
A tag like "cryptic-mutterings" is like catnip to me, you realise.

The vibe on this is terrific; the backing has a very Waits-ish shamble to it that instantly establishes the mood: mournful, and somehow simultaneously despairing and celebratory. The lyrics lean in to that perfectly. So, so good!
This has a Thom Yorke type feel in the long dragged out words in the verses.
The low end stuff going on in the choruses are a nice touch, and love the ‘under the stars’ bit. Cool track.
i like the effect of that slightly discordant chord on the third line of the chorus. it disturbs the relative complacency of the easy floating verses for just long enough to catch myself back into the floating magic carpet of this gorgeous song.