Something in the sink

by @theodamus

Something in the sink

Liner Notes

AKA how do you actually know if you’re awake? (Don’t look too long in the mirror, you’ll freak yourself out)

This started out as a completely different type of song, folky, quiet - things escalated when I picked up the guitar, and I thought I’d diverged too much and was writing a completely new one at that point, but I worked out how to put them back together. I’m playing with a lot of new stuff this year and it has turned my writing process inside out and upside down - I’m having a lot of fun but I’m going to need to get a wriggle on for output’s sake. Generic drums are just a placeholder, everything else is me.

#rock #alternativerock #heavy #horror


There’s something in the sink
Went to get a drink of water and it scurried out of sight
I’m frightened of it
I should be the bigger person and just turn out the light
I’m tired
I don’t need another, need another monster in the night

I thought I was a kid
Went to get a drink of water and the mirror isn’t right
I’m frightened of it
I could be another person if I turn out the light
I’m tired
Don’t wanna be another, be another monster in the night

All the clocks are missing time (check it, it’s later than you think)
Can you float or can you fly (you think there’s something in the sink)
Count the fingers, count the eyes (sinking, water in the drink)
Do you remember how you got here

Do you remember what you did
Went to get a drink of water and I’m ready for a fight
I’m frightened of it
Pushing fingers in my eyes before I turn out the light
I’m tired
Don’t wanna need another, be another monster in the night

All the clocks are missing time (check it, it’s later than you think)
Can you float or can you fly (you think there’s something in the sink)
Count the fingers, count the eyes (sinking, water in the drink)
Do you remember how you got here


So much energy! Love that high octave guitar. The lyric is so well done and I always love your phrasing. The song has its own vibe and it just jumps out at you. I love the start/stop of it too. Awesome harmonies add so much too. Great stuff!!
This is great. Very visual idea. Love the guitars, too!
Love how the instrumental parts differ from the verses and parts where you come in singing! This was such a jam I wasn’t sure if I should dance or head bang to. The repeating “need another, need another” was effective! Really fun stuff man!
Jesus Christ, what a great sound. (In fact, I'd love practical information on how you're recording and manipulating those sounds.) The guitar parts are phenomenal: the textures, the chords changing in the background; the foreground melody. Intense from the jump, then THE CHORUS HITS and blows it sky-high with those fab harmonies and the call-and-reponse. Vocals have a touch of early-to-mid-period Bowie to my ear.

Seems I'm fated to love your lyrics. You walk that sweetest of lines for me: Elliptical / ambiguous wording with a solid meaning underneath. Standout horror-able pun: "I should be the bigger person."
Oo, crunchy and driving and disturbing. Definitely feels like a horror movie song.
seriously awesome guitar parts!
I love the lyrics and the catchy melodies ❤️
This is a banger guitar part, it’s going to be stuck in my head all day. I love the line “all the clocks are missing time” - this is such a chaotic listen, I love it.
I like this line - I don’t need another, need another monster in the night. The need another twice makes it hit. The call and response vocals (and harmonies) on the chorus are great, love that. Your voice reminds me of John Cameron Mitchell which is meant as a compliment.
The riff that acts as the chorus is quite lovely and catchy. Love the desperate vocals. Yours are the first songs I've checked out this year I'm sensing a theme 😄
I love a short horror movie in song form. Fantastic guitar tone, and the vocals are so creepy!
This is awesome, it so viscerally captures that feeling of panic and just-outside-reality that happens when the brain starts playing tricks. Really well done!
I liked that rather long instrumental part at 1:00. Really adds to the words sang before emotionally.

Also for some reason I got so used to panned doubled guitars with bass in the middle that guitar in the center sounds novel
Tripping balls in a nightmarescape. Love it, gives me Babadook style shivers. Awesome song, really rocks.
Wow that intro is so cool! All those chords and guitar tones together. Great lyrics and music that all go well together.
one night when I was 13 I lay awake for hours and hours, terrified of the shape in the corner of the bedroom I shared with two brothers

in the morning, it turned out to be a pair of jeans slung over the back of the chair.

I did NOT get up for a drink that night. or for any other reason.

and that is the mess this song puts in my head. so, either, great job, or knock it off. but keep jamming that guitar. this is super. the lyric, the crunchy guitar, the arrangement, and the creepy creepy title visual.
This is awesome. You have great lyrics. These evoke such a spooky feeling from growing up.... don't look in the mirror too long! You did that too? It gets so weird. Like hallucination weird. GREAT SONG.
Well, this composition certainly captures fear and panic - pulse racing, fight-or-flight engaged. Reminded me of REM's 'Leave' which has an alarm going off for the duration of the song, while the vocalist waxes lyrical and the guitars blast a slow and steady assault.

And I've listened to enough of your songs to know that verse 1, ostensibly about a mouse or something, was going to evolve by the second verse into some horrifying, palpable existential threat - yep, there it is. The flurry of tableau are very effective - it feels like the narrator is trying to use the grounding technique to deal with the stress response, but everything is uncanny and corrupt around them.

It was an uncomfortable, yet highly compelling listen.
Don't look in the mirror too long! Love the electric guitar this year.
This is great! Something as simple as a drink of water turning into a desperate situation. The chorus is really catchy. Good harmonies and arrangement. I’m glad things escalated.