Funny Weather

by @scottmcb

Funny Weather

Liner Notes

February has been a bit of a slog so far. Not a lot of time or inspiration. And what I do manage seems to involve more shouting. But, anyways, there's a syndicated show called "World's Funniest Weather" which seems like a really absurd idea to base an entire tv show around. How funny can weather be anyway?

I don't use AI to help me write songs, but I do ask it to analyze my lyrics and here's what it said about this one -
"The lyrics portray someone grappling with rejection, emotional exhaustion, and disillusionment. They use humor and distraction ("funny weather") to deflect from their deeper, more painful feelings, but there’s a clear undercurrent of sadness and frustration. The recurring motif of a magic trick (sleight of hand) and laughter turning into crying highlights the illusion of control and the disconnect between how things appear on the surface and what’s really happening beneath.

This could be about feeling unnoticed, misunderstood, or disconnected from others, even while trying to put on a brave face. The speaker is stuck in a loop of performing for others without feeling seen or appreciated"

Thanks ChatGPT!

#indie #alternative #punk #rock #powerpop


When no one wants
What you're selling
Why even bother to finish
The story you're telling

It's funny weather
Isn't it?
Oh my heavens
So hilarious
It's funny weather
Isn't it?
I'm laughing so hard
I'm crying

Ha ha
I'm crying

The sleight of hand
No one's buying
Is this your card?
Oh, I'm dying

It's funny weather
Isn't it?
Oh my heavens
So hilarious
It's funny weather
Isn't it?
I'm laughing so hard
I'm crying

Ha ha
I'm crying


How do you do it? It's like you take apart the English language and reassemble it with power chords. The cadence of the chorus lyric is the slight of hand -- so well done you don't even realize how hard you're rocking. Mirroring that melody with the backing guitar before the last chorus is a cherry on top.
Love the inspiration here - I cannot imagine what that TV show actually contains, but maybe if it results in a top-tier rock song then it served a purpose? Great riffs as always and the "funny weather" hook grabs the ears nicely!
Great guitar tone and riff and those drums are cool. I'm smiling at this song !
Nice fuzzy bass tone. The chord progressions are different/interesting. The instrumental section starting around 2:20 has a cool vibe.
Life is a tragecomedy, isn't it? All the world's a stage, although it all too often feels more like an episode of candid camera. Someone's got to be laughing at me, right? Even if it's just me.

I could listen to your bombastic riffs forever, especially with the nigh-animalistic vocal punctuation.

Hah! Hah!

How the best medicine is turned into the bluntest weapon.
Don't hear enough of this kind of thing on FAWM. Always glad to find another person making it! That little bend in the chorus is ace.
The interaction between bass and riff guitar is so great. And when the lead guitar jumps in you have a great dynamic. Well written. "Haha, I'm crying!"
Loving the bass and lead guitar interactions throughout this - and as Robyn said, the syncopation in the chorus is a great change in pace for the lyrics as well. Banger!
That syncopation in the chorus is sweeeeet. This is rawkin’! And oh that yell on “I’m crying!” Perfection.
Great riff. That guitar tone is fantastic. The chorus is so damn catchy. Gonna have this stuck in my head for a while. Listened through 3 times in a row. One of the best things I’ve heard during FAWM this year so far
Ha Ha! That's a pretty great fist-pumping hook. Indeed, this song is a concatenation of hooks. Love grinding bass and the way certain notes get accented. It's kind of hard to sit still here...
oooh nice!! The first scream of "I'm crying" followed by that dirty bass line and HA! This is a creative and cool production! Well done.
Shout on, if need be... selfishly I hope you do. This is the angular rock attack I got out of bed for. Please continue to kick against the pricks. Those guys suck.
this is real catchy! this has a real 90s vibe. i love the “it’s funny weather, isn’t it” part. that’s what’s sticking in my head the most. but the whole thing really kicks ass. that riff is so fun