Samba do Olhar
by @betoMod · @nancyrostMod · @fourtracktape · @harryklippton · @peccary
Liner Notes
Tape 3a
T1: @nancyrost - guitar
T2: @peccary - cajon
T3: @harryklippton - organ
T4: @beto - lyrics and vocal
@beto says: I got this tape last year during 5090, for me to do the 4th track. Life got on the way, so I finished it today! When I do the 4th track I like mixing in the box (with my Tascam 424), but this one was hard because the organ and the guitar were out of tune, probably due to differences in the 4-track speeds. I recorded vocals to the organ only, since it had chords, and then I adjusted the pitches in my DAW after I had recorded my part. The guitar and the cajon had a Brazilian feeling to me, so I decided to write some lyrics in Portuguese.
#fourtrack #cassette #samba
Já foi sempre assim
Já faz parte de mim
O encontrar com o teu olhar
E o se perder no mirar
Já não sei onde vai caber
Tanto amor assim
Vem pra perto me dá um beijo
E encaixa em mim
Porque a gente sabe que agora é hora
A gente sabe que o amor não demora pra chegar
A gente canta, a gente namora
É muito amor, é tanto amor, a toda hora
Já foi sempre assim
Já faz parte de mim
O encontrar com o teu olhar
E o se perder no mirar
Já não sei onde vai caber
Tanto amor assim
Vem pra perto me dá um beijo
E encaixa em mim
Porque a gente sabe que agora é hora
A gente sabe que o amor não demora pra chegar
A gente canta, a gente namora
É muito amor, é tanto amor, a toda hora
Já foi sempre assim
Já faz parte de mim
It was always like this
It was always a part of me
Meeting with your gaze
And getting lost in your eyes
I don't know what I'm going to do
With so much love
Come close, give me a kiss
Let's cuddle
Because we know that now is the time
We know that love doesn't take long to arrive
We sing, we date
It's so much love, it's so much love, all the time
It was always like this
It was always a part of me
Meeting with your gaze
And getting lost in your eyes
I don't know what I'm going to do
With so much love
Come close, give me a kiss
Let's cuddle
Because we know that now is the time
We know that love doesn't take long to arrive
We sing, we date
It's so much love, it's so much love, all the time
It was always like this
It was always a part of me
I really love the idea of this being performed at a roller-skating rink in 1983. I can see it through all of the cigarette smoke and perms.
it's funny how these collabs evolve and whether the earlier folks intended to go in a latin direction with it, it's appropriate that en ended up where it did. i'm curious who played what and the order that the instruments were laid down!