Plastic Bags Are Precious

by @johnnycashpoint

Liner Notes

#comedy #hardcore #punk #fuc #signsoflife2 #iloveshortsongs
Drum sample from The Chisel‘s ‘What Do You Mean?’
Vocal recorded using IO Voice changer -
Still no guitars! 46 Seconds of punky 'goodness'. Automatic writing in the lyric, which is quite revealing about my state of mind :)

Signs of Life 2' Day 7
Photo taken at entrance to Pasley Park, Walworth Road, London


Plastic carrier,
Plastic carrier,
are so precious.

They make excellent,
They make excellent,
Birthday presents.

(Wear it as a hat
Not balaclava!)

Get them quick before,
Get them quick before,
They turn obsolescent.

They could go extinct,
They could go extinct.
That would teach you a lesson.


Just costs 20p
At least currently
To indulge yourself
In some loverly
Take care is
my one suggestion,
If that is your bag …


This is dark, in a good sort of way and I like it! 20p? That's cheap!
Oh damnnnnnn, I love it! A* for this! 😁 Slightly different vibe to fuzzys, incredible fun, excellent sign inspiration.
One of the many things that Brexit and the cost-of-living crisis have caused a shortage of.
Listened twice. The Birthday Party forgot to write this song back in the 80's. Love the solo. My favorite short short tune I've heard this FAWM. Would download if the button were there.
People may still waste plastic bags, but you sure didn't waste any time. 46 seconds of blissfully neurotic yet practical philosophic noise. Great stuff.
Came here via @fuzzy's remix. This is fun! Whole lot of energy & emotion in this. Funny, it seems longer than it really is (which is a good thing!). Yeah, this is a fun little track that would be a great filler on an album, or as a theme song for the ending credits of a tv show. Great job!

See You In The Shadows…
Compact and tense, with a friendly suggestion. What could be better?
No guitars? What is the "guitar -like " sound? Synth?
Anyhoo... wild ride, I must admit to (listening w/o reading along) I was caught by surprise by the "Auto-erotic Asphyxiation" line - almost spit out my coffee! Fun
46 seconds of fun. Great solo. Love the exuberant energy. Loads of very amusing lines in this one. This is my bag (the song, not the strangle wanks)
OK, just how we got from this burst of lo-fi punk goodness to Fuzzy's creation is completely beyond me. But you know what, neither of them wins - I really like them both! 😀
The title left me unsure of what I was getting myself into, but I like song titles like that. It's amazing the kind of inspiration a simple sign can provide.