Entitlement [FT]

by @timfatchen Mod

Liner Notes

There was a skirmish with the prompt "Write that title". I couldn't play, probably just as well because I took the title literally and failed to read what it was about. So this keeping-down-with-the-Joneses song came out, eventually.
#fuc #folk #acousticonetake #satire #mortgage

Note to self: I think I'm plagiarising part of Ukulele Criminal but that's okay. I'll sue myself for breach of copyright and I'll be rich! Rich I tells ya!! ...no, wait...


Words & Music Copyright © 2025 TJ Fatchen All Rights Reserved APRA-AMCOS

Write that title, do that deed
Give that seller what he needs!
By your mortgage you’ll be stoned
And by your bank, forever owned!

You want to move to a big, big car,
And you got a pressing reason.
A big car makes you what you are!
And it’s the runout season.


You want to move to a big, big place,
And you got a pressing reason.
A big place gives you lotsa face,
And it’s the land sale season?


You want to move to a big new wife
And you got a pressing reason.
A big new wife just might bring you to life
And it’s the divorce season?

Write that title, do that deed
Give that lawyer what he pleads!
By your bank you’re already owned
And by your ex, you’ll be stoned!
.......and a good thing too.


This is such a great take on the prompt. Clever lyric writing Tim!! Reminiscent of the heel to polka, I know what I’ll be thinking about next time I’m at a bush dance!
It's a consumer world let's keep up with Jones' fun but not fun ditty.
Ah, an ode to our material world. Eloquent as ever. Thanks for rattling my chain to remind me that it's February!!
you lay out the whole life span of the consumer in a few short, witty verses. and i love those "Right"s and your summing up at the last verse in the form of a divorce settlement.
Damn those Jones always having that little bit more, or is it less. You can have it all until you can't have any at all. Fun tune and very on point as always FT 😎
The tune is so jaunty, and the lyrics so bitter! It's whiplash of the best kind, tied together by your super-sarcastic, eye-rolling vocal performance. The third verse is especially acerbic; I like it!