The Return of the Living Dead
by @berni1954
Liner Notes
This was written for the "Movie Title Challenge". It tells the true story of my maternal grandfather, who was among the British soldiers who liberated the worst of the Nazi death camps: Bergen-Belsen. People who had been marched from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen and survived long enough to be liberated said Auschwitz was a holiday camp by comparison. Of course, the most famous person to have died here, not long before the liberation, was Ann Frank.
Instrument: Hora 3/4 Guitar / Baritone Guitalele
#movietitlechallenge #FUC
(Em) My Granddad was a happy young man
In the (D) days before the war
A (Em) drummer in a dance band
His (C) beat got them up on the (D) floor
Then (C) dark clouds on the hor(Em)izon
Turned (C) into a swift blitz(D)krieg
As the (Em) Nazis marching into Poland
Meant (Am) Granddad would (D) have to (Em) leave
(Em) He was called up to serve his country
Spent five (D) years in a sapper brigade
Saw (Em) combat in many theatres
Worked with his (C) muscle and a (D) spade
He (C) met with carnage (Em) daily
That in his (C) mind was permanently (D) stamped
But (Em) nothing prepared him for the horrors
Of Bergen-(Am)Belsen (D) concentration (Em) camp
(Em) Granddad's unit rolled into Belsen
Fifteenth of (D) April 'forty-five
Where the (Em) number of unburied dead
Rivalled (C) those who were still a(D)live
(C) Granddad helped to (Em) dig mass graves
Bulldozing (C) bodies into open (D) pits
The (Em) stench was indescribable
And nearly (Am) drove him (D) out of his (Em) wits
(Em) Grandma said the man who came home
Was (D) not the one who'd left
She'd (Em) find him staring at the floor
Quite (C) obviously be(D)reft
She (C) knew that try (Em) as he might
He couldn't (C) get it all out of his (D) head
And his (Em) nights were haunted daily
By the re(Am)turn (D) of the living (Em) dead
I did appreciate the motif of the return of the living dead - it lends a metaphorical element to what is almost a documentary in song, and it ties the underlying threads of the lingering horrors of war together achingly well.