I'm Only Dreaming

by @anthonykapfer

Liner Notes

this is an obvious oasis ripoff. and on top of that it uses mostly beatles lyrics.

i did do some overdubs on this, so it's not 100% live. but i did perform the basic tracks of the instrumental in my usual one man band way. then i added extra guitars and vocals separately.

the footage of me singing is the actual vocal take you hear on the recording. this is not a lip sync video.

i'm using an octave pedal for the bass sound. i am playing Roland One pads for the drums and i'm playing my jazzmaster with a Rat clone and a Big Muff clone.

#powerpop #indierock #altrock


i woke up this morning
and all my dreams were boring
the tax man was calling
i filled out the forms and

i see how they fly
just like lucy in the sky
no nothing’s real

i woke up this morning
and i’m still yawning
my dreams were boring
that’s why i was snoring

i see how they snide
just like pigs in a sty
let me take you down

like a lizard on a window pane
your inside is out and your outside is in

the deeper you go
the higher you fly
your inside is out and your outside is in

i haven’t slept a wink
my mind is on the blink
should i get up and fix myself a drink?

the girl with kaleidoscope eyes
eating marshmallow pies
i know when it’s a dream
that is i think i disagree
greet the brand new day
open up your eyes


I got a powerful Oasis vibe when I listened to this. Very cool!
Great fun and well crafted track.
Cool lyrics to this powerful track, full of energy throughout!
Haha @brism mentioned your “Liamosity” - great word and bang on description. There’s a nice little groove beneath the vocal melody that makes me want to gaze at my shoes a bit. Great tone on the solo, too. Oasis would be proud (or actually jealous)
Nailed it. This would fit perfectly on the back half of Definitely Maybe. Shameless Beatles quotes to boot (and I love how they just keep a' coming 😂). That droning 7th chord brings all that Britpop nostalgia for me. Only thing I'd do differently is wear a parka.
Oooh, this is giving some serious Snale vibes! I did some editing and mixing work for a guy/band named Snale and maybe you would like it! Those alternating lines and call-response nature of them feels nostalgic to me. :) Very cool. awesome production too (on both music and video).
Nice Oasis tribute! Nailed it. A head-nodding enjoyable listen. Fun catching all the Beatles references.
Think the solo might be too good for an Oasis-style song! But aside from that you nailed it, great fun.
Very enjoyable! The Liamosity of your vocal performance and processing is off the charts, and the solo is Noelicious. Can't speak to the Bon'eadishness or... the... other one. Working within a very narrow dynamic band (mono guitar stomp) you manage to squeeze lots of flavour in with the guitar part; the stops, the slides etc... Lyrics also do the job really well - when you recycle the recycled, there's a kind of freedom there.
Being a huge oasis fan I am absolutely loving this. You nail it. Great job
Awesome! Wonderful performance and melody/harmonies. Nice use of ‘almost-familiar’ lyrics. Strong 90’s presence (for me, though I was mostly listening to Japanese bands in the 90’s). Well done.
It's amazing how the song 'Rain' literally became its own genre 😂
I dig it! Really love your tone man. I hear your tone and I’m like “that’s a guy who gets it” that solo rips too. Sounds so solid and the lyrics are really really good.
Nice! Great mix and catchy tune.
Love the ode to the ode to the Beatles lol! All while keeping it 100% uniquely you. Killer performance and the composition is catchy as hell.