All of Us Strangers

by @judypie

Liner Notes

Inspired my second favourite film of last year (my favourite was Wicked, yo), All of Us Strangers. If you like having your heart ripped out of your chest and stamped on in front of your eyes, this is the film for you! It is beauty. It is sadness. It’s also disconcerting and disorientating as all hell and I still can’t stop thinking about The Power of Love playing over the end credits.

Anyway, this song is a structureless loop of random vocals and lots of reverby oohs and ahhs. The aural version of dipping a paint brush in colour and spraying it on a canvas at will 😃 Not sure how much aural pleasure you’ll get as a listener, soz.

#atmospheric #experimental #basedonamovie #vocal #allofusstrangers #abstract


This is beautiful ♥️ Love the layering of your voice, the whispers are haunting and works really well. The higher pitched “ohh” is gorgeous. The “snap” at the end is great. Totally got lost in this.
And yes, such a good film!! Played back in my head for weeks. Xxx
Sounds wavy. Feels like sitting on a beach at sunset, but sitting alone. With the distinct feeling you were supposed to meet someone but they did not show up. You really nail your oohs. Aural pleasure achieved.
I absolutely love this. It feels like being cleansed somehow. Cleansed with vocals and swishy atmospheric waves of sound. The ending is perfect.
Ooh! Haven't heard of that one (but Wicked was a fav for us too). I wonder if Mrs ZeCoop knows about it. Hmmm. Slinky and secretive with all the whispers and overlapping vocals. So great in my headphones. That pulsing music supporting it all is fantastic. So lush. Almost spoken word, but not quite and I love it. It definitely has the impression of an abstract painting. I completely enjoyed how you put it together. This was a great homage to your 2nd favorite! It is now on my list.
[avatar] could write a movie around this track ! I Haven't seen the movie now I have to. Beautiful floating vocals bouncing left to right...clever so effective and then that "snap" and it's over.
A real sense of ethereal surreal. And the moving vocal in my head phones really put that off balance a little more. Really enjoyed it - so now i must see this movie
How did I miss this film?
Have you seen Bird? This piece could easily fit with that one too. I do love a soundscape with proper lots of's quite the trip on headphones. Oo yes.
I haven't seen that film, but I think this would go really well in a soundtrack. Experimental but not inaccessible, which is quite an achievement.
inspiring song. refreshing. this random vocals and lines, really cool. inspiring me immediately upon reading your linear notes, and even more when listening. Very calming, it actually reduces my stress as I write. darn... really good julie. a gem. darrrn..... it just keeps getting better. that ending got me all "wow, wohoaa...".. really, not exaggerating because it's a fawm comment, it was a great listening experience. really really enjoyed. you nailed ittt. congrats.
yeah that movie was a tough watch; this could easily fit in one of those sequences in the movie you thought was based on a happy memory and experience. HAH!
This is so surreal!! Really like the wavy, pulsing backgound track. The vocals are what make it though. Such creative vox layering. I felt like I was floating... Very meditative. Loved the abrupt click ending too!!
This is so cool, very Lynchian, if that's a word. Would be totally at home in one of his films. Love the way the vocals come and go - the high one at around 2 mins and again at 2:30 is superb. Really enjoyed it. Would listen to whole album of this.
Ooh I like this experimental Julie! Definitely has a dreamy, other worldly quality to it. Wouldn’t be out of place in an episode of Twin Peaks! That synth loop is a solid anchor for the track and some of the vocal layering is unusual and really effective. It’s ace this!
oooo imagine this on your first album coming straight after one ofyour gorgeous acoustic ditties. I am locating by accident songs to meditate to today and girl this one hits the mark. The vocals are so expressive. Gorgeous
Wonderful vocals! This was a really chill early morning listen for me :)

PS. My wife and I just watched Wicked Part 1 over the weekend. It was phenomenal.
Ooo very cool. Girl hangs up guitar and goes all ethereal vocals and looped synthy atmospherics. Loving all the layered voices and dreaminess. I like that finger click at the end to snap you out of the reverie.
I don't like having my heart ripped out of my chest and stamped on in front of my eyes; it ruins Christmas.
This is sooooo nice and relaxing Julie. Kind of like a nice and relaxing song that's nice and relaxing because it's nice and relaxing like a nice and relaxing song. I agree with Adam, this reminds me of Julianna Barwick. Now i just need to find out who the fuck Julianna Barwick is.
Oooo, this is so lovely! Big fan of the fluid nature of the vocals coming in and out in the spectral field, and that looping synth progression is so moreish. Reminds me of Grouper or Julianna Barwick or something. Even Bjork, All is Full of Love vibes <3 I can actual imagine this breaking out into The Power of Love (was that intention?)
Oooo, love the dreamy quality of this!
Wonderful job of honoring a favorite movie. I also really enjoyed Wicked. 😊
A very affecting movie indeed! Your tune kinda sounds like what it feels like to be searching through one's memory bank to identify something (a riff from a song that came to mind, a smell that linked to your past, etc.).