Sing Us Home

by @alyxanderjames

Skirmish: Echo (@hmstreetteam)
Sing Us Home

Liner Notes

I wasn't sure if I was going to write anything else this FAWM, but I liked the idea of this skirmish - I've written a couple of echo-y songs so far already this month and they've been fun. I had the line "sing me home" elsewhere in my songwriting notebook, and it developed quickly from there. I might write a second verse of different lyrics at some point, but I kind of like the simplicity of this. At some point (probably after FAWM) I'll re-record this with proper call and response vocals, but this'll do for now. (Update: @nwhosings generously added harmonies to this; that track is over here:

#CallAndResponse #folk #PersonWithUkulele #ukulele #acoustic #AcousticOneTake


We welcome rest (we welcome rest)
Take a breath (take a breath)
Sing us home (sing us home)
Sing us home

We welcome rest (we welcome rest)
Take a breath (take a breath)
Sing us home (sing us home)
Sing us home

We may be afraid
But there is strength in numbers
Even when those numbers seem impossibly small
We are not alone
We're all in this together
Finding freedom means freedom for all

We welcome rest (we welcome rest)
Take a breath (take a breath)
Sing us home (sing us home)
Sing us home

We welcome rest (we welcome rest)
Take a breath (take a breath)
Sing us home (sing us home)
Sing us home


Rest and breath are very nicely paired here. I love them as a near-rhyme. This works well on the ukulele and has a sound of comfort and care. Sweet stuff and a lovely message!
Sing us home. <3<3<3
Lovely, timely, a needed reminder and I love the call and response use, I may or may not be singing along as I listen....
Thank you for writing this.
I really love this track. I reminds me of a lot of the contemplative spiritual stuff I enjoy but this its own and awesome thing. I'm grateful for the download so I can use it as my own take a breath song as needed. ☮ ☮ ☮
This is lovely! I think this would be a great one for a community singalong.
This is so beautiful – simple but so powerful. I found myself harmonising along in my kitchen as I listened. If I was still teaching my queer community singing group I'd be asking for permission to teach it to them. :)
Yes a good reminder to breath and be in the moments. I think the simplicity really works for this! I font think it needs much more. A good rallying call, be good live.
It's very meditative, especially when you are doing your own call and response.
Love the lyric. The echo is very effective - and the melody is very listenable and enhanced by your great vocal. :-)
So pretty and I love the lyrics and your vocals!
Oh, once again this is just so lyrical and lovely to listen to. It could be taken in so many different ways and for many different important events. Good sentiment well delivered. Please keep making more music sir! Great stuff
A simple statement, impeccably done. I can imagine this song near the end of some kind of big event.