L O V E [ ● ⸺ ●● │ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ │ ●●● ⸺ │ ● ]

by @davidtaro

Challenge: MORSE CODE

Liner Notes

I was too intimidated to even attempt the palindrome challenge, and then when I saw this week's prompt was morse code my initial thought was "well, sod that". But the days rolled by, and the idea of spelling something out via a melody in morse code started to appeal (as it has for many others), and this slightly silly song evolved. I toyed with some more topical lyrics about the distinct lack of love in the world at the moment, but felt like a more unironic, straightforward approach suited the #motown vibe I was going for.

Had to get this out for Valentine's Day, so it's rather jumped the queue over some collab commitments (apologies collaborators, I love you all dearly and am still on the case...).

#soul #cheesy #horns #lalala


Love, it’s the only thing that matters in this world
It’s all we need
Love, if only people got it but they don’t
They never see

That baby I’m in love with you
Are you in love with me?
I wish there was a clever way
To tell you what I mean

La laaaaa la la
Laaaaa laaaa laaaa
La la la laaaaa

It’s love, don’t let anybody tell you that it ain’t
They’re just a fool
Love, you could be a sinner or a saint
There ain’t no rules

‘Cause baby, I’m in love with you
Are you in love with me?
I wish there was a clever way
To tell you what I mean


(Oh) la la la
(Oh) la la la
(Oh) la la la
(Oh) la la la (yeah now)

I’m trying to get a message to you, baby
The only way I know
If you could only pick up on my signals
Then you could crack this code

Repeat verse 1 and chorus


This is so brilliant, the morse code creates such a great rhythm and the lyrics bring it all together beautifully. Made me smile the whole way through, I love everything about it!
It blows my mind how you get such a full band sound and such great production! The motown sound is so perfect and it's such a bop, it makes me want to dance! That guitar solo is clear as a bell and so on point! I love the lyrical reflection of the morse code challenge, and trying to send a message. This is so catchy, the brass section is great too! I'm gonna have to ask you about plug-ins some time. The morse code in the la las is absolute genious. Love that fade out too, so motown!
this is brilliant. absolutely brilliant. the morse code la la las? i love it. it sounds like it’s an odd time signature in that la la section but i think it might not be. i really like that kind of jerkiness that happens in there. it’s very interesting rhythmically.

and once again you are belting out those vocals and absolutely nailing every single word.

i’m listening to it for the third time as i type this. loving the guitar solo too.

“if you could only pick up on my signals then you could crack this code,” is just perfect.
Oh very clever use of the la las. There’s more than a hint of Motown woven into this. Perhaps a little bit Van the man too. Nice horns. This is pretty darn infectious.
this is wicked! that chorus is so fun- really great track :)
Spelling out a melody in Morse Code. Uh, OK. All I know is this sounds GREAT! Even if I have no idea what you're talking about, it all sounds fabulous to me. I would play this again and again.
You have an incredible talent for creating a throw back sound. sounds like so many classic albums I’ve heard, this should be in a movie. Just great!
You do this so well! You, very clever on the Morse code! Catchy as hell, should be on all playlists! L. O. V. E. It
Clever clever clever! I really like how the short verse lines anticipate the la la la payoff in the chorus. It's got the Motown vibe without imitating any song. Top notch writing and performance.
The morse code la's are great! I think you knocked this challenge out of the park. Solid guitar solo, too.
haha brilliant man, l l l l l l love this! lyrics are cracking and it's such a fun vibe all round, enjoyed it very much
Yes David - L O V E this! The lalala morse code parts are fab, and the stabs onto the end of verse lines that sync are great. A great 60’s vibe with a touch of surf with that strat guitar and what a solo!
Very clever to have the L-O-V-E at the beginning as morse code. Love the brass and those tasty geetar licks from that strat(?) ._..| _ _ _| ..._ |. | ..| _
This is so cheekily brilliant, so on the nose that the nose gets too heavy and falls off. Maybe that's what happened to the sphinx? 🤔

And so catchy, and on valentine's day. I do not have enough superlatives.

I don't know that I've ever heard a fawm weekly challenge better met.
This is just so spot on. The wonderful thing about FAWM is these challenges, you sit there and think "sod that", but they get under your skin. You then end up being more creative than you otherwise might have, and I didn't truly understand this until I started trying the challenges/skirmishes. Brill guitar solo and the way you've put this all together sits so well together. The la-la-la's will linger in my head for a while yet! 😎
well done for tackling the challenge.. I too saw it and thought 'sod that!' haha... I felt like i was on the set of Grease listening with my headphones, love the sixties feel and of course the luuurve lyrics,, the la la las are great.. Fabulous!
Brilliant. The lala chorus is insanely catchy with that melody and the inspired morse-code rhythm combo. Nice irony in the "I wish there was a clever way to tell you what I mean" ;) Perfect arrangement, excellent playing and awesome production, as usual. Hats off!
you've got that motown love vibe down pat. thank you for this trip down smokey robinson way. a perfect way to start valentine's day. it plays like more of a valentine to motown than an attempt to emulate any particular element of it.
Another 60s vibe! Bringing back my childhood! Love this!
As Richaaaay said, this is brilliant. The perfect rhythm, it's soooo tasty. I absolutely looooove this!
Crushed it. Brilliant tackling of the weekly challenge. That solo from 1:49-1:56 is inspired. Joyous to listen to. Pure DT through and through. Love it…
Great Song, great approach to the challenge, and so perfectly recorded and produced! I'm deeply impressed! (I used the same word in this challenge, but mine isn't mor than a scetch)
Inspired. This song is SO well executed you make it seem like it was obvious all along, but making it work is another matter. Those la-la-laaaaaaas are just brilliantly executed and the lyrics hide some amazing little gems ("I wish there was a clever way..."!!!!).

I know what you mean about the weekly challenges this year. They've both defeated me too, which makes me all the more admiring of this wonderful effort. (Maybe I'll just wait til week 4 and do them all in a oner. That'd be..."something".)
very nice use of rhythm - I like the way you incorporated the pauses for further dramatic emphasis. Great horn arrangement and BVs. Do you spend hours programming drums? and the 60s wide strummed guitar chords are epic! great job as ever.
Fabulous! Fun 1950-60s surf guitar blended with something blusey. Wonderful solo! LOVE it!