The Journey
by @zecoopMod · @guatecoop
Liner Notes
ZC: It has become an amazing tradition to get together in person with my brother to explore FAWM ideas and create music together. This past weekend was amazing and it is incredible to me how ideas can start one way and then just fly off to regions that neither of us expected. This is a great example, which started with a fantastic acoustic guitar idea Rob played. We figured out a structure and then just started experimenting. So. Much. Fun. I love the final result but even more fun was the journey we took together to get here. The weekend is over, but the music will live on. :)
GC: I was doing something with a partial capo and John mentioned using it on the 4th fret, which I hadn’t done before—so I tried a few things and the acoustic part of this song just happened. We just worked on it, adding a bunch of parts to get it to sound the way we wanted it to, and that was that! We do bounce ideas off of each other really well and it’s fun to see how the songs just come together and we’re both happy with them. Another great brother weekend FAWM collab in the books!
Guatecoop: acoustic guitar (partial on 4th fret), Minilogue (x4), drums, cabasa
ZeCoop: bass guitar, electric guitar (with atmospheric overtones), maraca, cajon
#capochallenge #atmospheric #lotsoflayers #brothersrock
None from us - ideas? Get in touch and let's talk.
Terrific collaboration, guys! ❤️