
by @sapient · @gordon

sapient +1

Liner Notes

After last night's drunken shenanigans, it's back down to earth for those Bridge11 boys, with a ditty about the primordial soup.
Mmmm.... soup....

I got the EZKeys Mellotron out for this one. I love how cranky it sounds!

Music: Sapient
Words and vocals: Gordon

#space_rock #science #bridge11 #mellotron


It wasn’t Adam and Eve it was Luca
Last universal common Ancestor

The progenitor of all known life on Earth
A single-celled bacterium like organism

Not in the garden of Eden, more a living hell
Volcanoes erupting, meteors pummelling the planet

In Hadean times, before the moon was created
From a cosmic collision, there was

The implications are profound
For life in the rest of the universe

Molecular phylogenetics
Comparing the sequences of living things
Found Luca

Investigating branches of the evolutionary tree
Back in time, as far as we can see there’s


That opening riff is so Dream Theater I expected a double bass barrage immediately.

Love the sounds you're getting as this progresses, really satisfying build.

Bonus points for working "phylogenetics" into a song. Very cool.
I just got tipped off about the existence of Bridge11 by @metalfoot and I'm glad to have found this! This was great and I'll be looking out for more. Also definitely my kind of subject matter for a song. When I get my hands on that Luca... so much to answer for.
You two as a team is always special. This has great space and mood. These lyrics are so well written and made me really pay close attention to keep with Luca. Excellent song and collaboration!
Lovely spacious feel, great production giving space to all the instruments. Vocals fit really well. Gives me some 70s vibes. Fun concept!
This is no entry-level offering, no, this lives on the second floor.


This is an intriguing lyric, mingling the scientific, the mythological and the (early) human interest. The sparse repetition of Luca's name is a perfect foil to lines that could have been ripped from the Simple English Wikipedia, especially with the background music skulking about being a vaguely ominous odyssey of noise. You certainly know how to create an eerie ambience that transcends time and space, Sapient. And the matter-of-fact vocal accompanies this well, hinting at a history and process so far beyond our own experience and understanding, that we can only look back upon with quiet admiration.
Oooh spacey. Really paints a picture of the early days, and not a pleasant one. Dig the spaces out vibe on this one, especially the little solo riffs in the background.
I LOVE this brand of spacey psychadelic prog-rock for this subject matter. Really nice collaboration, I'm hoping there's more this month!
New Bridge11 material! Hoorah! I may be biased; the fact that I already knew what LUCA was an initialism for is a strong indicator that I'm part of your target audience. The fact that you two are continuing to work together always improves the odds of encountering a line like "molecular phylogenetics" in a FAWM song by a considerable amount. This is a Good Thing.

Loving the woozy synths and the glassy guitars.
Such a hypnotic and immersive piece of music. Tasteful details in the mix keeping things interesting. Very cool just lightly psychedelic vibes.
ah this is the song I was looking for! I always enjoy these every year! Gordon's voice is always spot on for this style and such a strong guitar! top stuff.
You had me at Bridge11. But then you had to add a Mellotron. Well, I have to stop by & listen now, don't I? 😆

This is a lovely trip. The music pulls you into a nice gentle mood, & then @gordon begins to sing, celebrating & teaching at the same time. What a gift you both share with us. So glad you do these #spacerock tracks. They're always a highlight of FAWM & 50/90 for me.

See You In The Shadows…
I admire how you write songs about planets, stars, and the vast darkness around us. I learned all the mathematical weirdness of relativity theory and quantum operators, and couldn't think about writing something about primordial soup. Microorganisms that seemed to have formed life. Or these wonderful being who write such songs (uuuh I'm so poetic :D) More science please! Especially in this form of greatly produced vast sound landscapes and pleasant vocals and guitars...
Dont let Morrissey steal this from you. One verse mad me wonder why meteors are no longer pummeling the earth. Perhaps some Thor-like being was hurling them down to give shape to the planet. This is a gorgeous piece of music.Sapient is my new favorite crooner.
This is some tasty primordial soup. Nice spacey delayed guitars. And it's a nice thought that we're literally, biologically related to every living thing on Earth.
Yes! More science in rock lyrics please!
I mean, myths and other fictions are great, too
but the facts as we know them RULE.
And set to such a great jam – good stuff!
Fuzz bass is a favourite tone