The Night His Flowers Did Not Come

by @daveyboy103 · @billwhite51

Liner Notes

I was chatting to @billwhite51 and I noted his songs were sounding a bit more poppy. He tells me he is trying not to sound so miserable all the time so I offered to take a song and "pop it up" a bit.

This theatrical little number is the result.

It's a true story but @billwhite51 can edit this and tell you more about it.

Bill adds, "yes this is a true story based on the premonition Ann-Margaret had of Elvis Presley's death. She was doing a lot of stage work at the time and on every opening night, Elvis, who she still reveres as the love of her life, sent her flowers. One opening night the flowers did not come, and she knew he had died.

#theatrical #drama #arranger #producer #elvis #annmargret


curtain time on broadway
another opening night
the silence as the lights go down
she hits the stage like dynamite

the curtain falls
the crowd applauds
from the front row seats
to the clouds of the gods

your dressing room is thick with flowers
from every where and every one
but something's missing
you have misgivings
this night his flowers did not come

once they had been lovers
they went their seperate ways
their love only grew stronger
with every lonely day

the curtain falls
the crowd applauds
from the front row seats
to the clouds of the gods

for sixteen years
he sent her flowers
on every opening night
the night his flowers
did not arrive
she knew that he had died

for sixteen years
he sent her flowers
on every opening night
the night his flowers
did not arrive
she knew that he had died


Ooo… I did not this story! I love the concise lines that tell it so well. The music delivers the lyrics perfectly! I love the keys and the pop feel.
Lovely words, and as for Ann-Margret, well, she's always been the summit for me.
nice treatment of Bill's lyrics. I love the BVs! Lovely soaring arrangement in places. Good story and this is a cool little package to tell it.
Excellent collab, both of you. I didn’t know this story, and I find it fascinating. The music feels just right and has that earworm quality. Nice work!
wow, what a story! I never knew any of that. And great production too!
Superb collab. What a great arrangement. We had an Ann Margaret album at home and I had a real “Pictures of Lily” like crush on her.😉
Strong collaboration, guys! Definitely a great title, and I hadn't heard this story before. I was reading a post on #hashtags and found this song by following #theatrical. I've been following @billwhite51 for years now, but will be adding @daveyboy103 to the list. Happy FAWMing, everyone!
I love you taking one of Bill's lyrics and putting such terrific production values to them. Great job. I'm just getting started here at Fawm and writing a ton of Reviews, and I'm see a number of my Old Favorites who have really had a leap in their production skills. Just wonderful! ❤️
Some great lyrics here, and Davey's treatment really brings it to life. Like the fade out. What a combination of skills here.
"from the front row seats
to the clouds of the gods" 🎵
Nice collaboration - and, it never fails I learn something (or several things) during FAWM.
Loving Bill’s lyrics. Nice production by Daveyboy.
A wonderful collaboration that really compliments each other's skills...
Thanks for letting me know about this song @billwhite51 - gave me chills! Quite a love story between those two. I'm so glad I got to see both of them perform (separately). Nice poppy piano! Well done, you two!
Lovely piano work on this and like the way the track builds up. Good story telling too!
The title drew me in, and I appreciated the liner notes giving the context. Cool collab -- I like how the layers come together in this composition. The piano is lovely and the chorus is my favorite stanza -- effectively constructed.
Great storytelling, and some brilliant lines (the one-two punch of 'the silence as the lights go down / she hits the stage like dynamite' is particularly cool). Love the drama in the arrangement and melody, which seems to build in tandem with the applause working its way up the theatre. Nice collab chaps!